Throw some breakfast ideas at me =)



  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I make a shake with .5 cup of (real) orange juice, fruit (usually a banana) and tofu. Tofu adds protein and texture but doesn't actually taste like anything. My recipe is about 300 cal, but I drink it all morning and don't usually need a mid-morning snack. You can also adjust the amounts to suit your calorie needs.
  • achojnacki
    achojnacki Posts: 66 Member
    baked eggs
    -grease ramekin or muffin tin
    -put spinach, tomato in bottom of ramekin
    -crack egg into ramekin or muffin tin
    -top with cheese

    bake at 350 for like ten mins

    mini whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and tomato, a small apple.
    mini whole wheat bagel with a table spoon of almond butter or pb with apple slices. cup of milk on the side.
    mini whole wheat bagel with veggie sausage, cheese, and tomato

    greek yogurt topped with kashi granola, fruit or some carrots