What would you do?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I would say accept it. It was a gift to your husband from his only real parent. There are always opportunities to repay such loving generosities. If you don't want to accept the gift and instead look at it as an interest free loan loan you can always set the money aside over the next few months and pay her back.
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    FYI you have a great Mom and husband. This story really made tears come to my eyes! I would say keep the money as long as you know it's not going to cause your mother to go without or not pay some bills. If you're not sure kindly ask her and make sure she's not sacrificing her needs to give you the $$. My gut is telling me that she had a little saved somewhere and felt she could do this for you.

    Peace & Blessings to you all!

    ^^ This from beginning to end :)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Yes of course you should accept it. I have the same mind set as you. But that's quite a bit of money and she wouldn't have given it to you if she couldn't and without thinking about it. That's so very kind of her!!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I agree that you should accept it in the spirit it is given...and realize that it means a lot to her to bless you with this gift. Your husband's gesture to his mother speaks volumes about his character...and YOUR mother obviously thinks a lot of him and his actions.

    I would pay off your trip yet act like you didn't...and the money you would have diverted to paying off the credit cards, put into savings.
  • Freshstart07
    Freshstart07 Posts: 12 Member
    I think you pretty much have to keep the money. Obviously to her it was something she really really wanted to do and probably gives her that feeling of pride that she was able to do it. What I would do is as you say be ready when she needs you. Make an effort to save that much money or more for a rainy day account for your mom.