
jenerik Posts: 31
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been told drinking half your body weight in water will help you lose weight faster...Does anyone know if that is true and if it is healthy?


  • I have been told drinking half your body weight in water will help you lose weight faster...Does anyone know if that is true and if it is healthy?
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I have been told drinking half your body weight in water will help you lose weight faster...Does anyone know if that is true and if it is healthy?

    Wowsa!! 1/2 your body weight?! Over what amount of time?
  • a day. i have done it then i got told you can drown out your body and die from it so i stopped and have only been drinkin 8-10 ounces a day.
  • the first week i did i dropped 5 lbs and i have kept it off!!! oh and its half ur body weight in ounces:smile: i think it might be a little much to drink half ur weight:laugh: good luck!!!
  • MDF08
    MDF08 Posts: 57
    Drinking half your body weight will simply offset the effects of all the sodium we eat and keep your bodily functions functioning.

    You'll urinate A LOT so start slowly. If you drink too much too fast it may cause a UTI.

    Focus on taking it slow and you will do GREAT here. I promise. (I've been around for awhile, changed my name a few times and gave up on myself a few times too....but one thing I know is that slow and steady wins the race. Trust me, too much too fast will only lead to disaster.)

  • LOL thats what i meant. sorry for the confusion
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i think she meant taking your body weight, dividing by 1/2 and drinking that amount in ounces per day.

    1/2 your body weight would put you in the hospital.

    i believe drinking at least 8 cups per day is minimum. i drink water constantly - about 4 bottles (8 cups) at work, one at the gym, one afterwards = about 12 cups a day. thats about 96 ounces and half by body weight is 95. does it help me loose weight faster? no idea. but it sure helps me when i go over my sodium, which is sure hard not to do!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    a day. i have done it then i got told you can drown out your body and die from it so i stopped and have only been drinkin 8-10 ounces a day.

    8-10 oz a day is not enough fluid intake...Eight 8oz glasses of water is more of what your trying to aim for ..not just 8oz
  • It seems like most healthy eating plans recommend 64 ounces of water everyday. I find it hard to even drink that much sometimes...I can't imagine drinking more than that. I have read in running magazines that drinking too much water is harmful, but I don't know enough about why to comment on that here! Hopefully you figure out your optimum amount.
  • again that is what i meant. my mind is somewhere else today
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    :happy: my vote would be false. Water is good for you your body needs it daily, but extreme increases in water consumption is not healthy and can be dangerous, it can throw off the balance of your electrolytes, which I know we don't care about (or I don't much) but you are talking like 100 glasses a day? (1/2 body weight of 130 pounds is 55 pounds = 110 glasses of water(2 glasses per pound)) Dangerous amount. Too much of a good thing can be bad. I read a normal person should not exceed 1 8oz glass per hour.
  • i miswrote the first time. i meant half your body weight in ounces. say you weighed 200 lbs, that would be 100 ounces in water a day.
    If you drink too much water you will over dilute your body and cause an electrolyte imbalance and die!
    Your Kidneys can not balance the water and flush it fast enough!
    Trust me I am nurse!
    Talk to your Doctor before you ever make any changes to your diet
  • so how much is the right amount? 64 ounces?
    If you drink too much water you will over dilute your body and cause an electrolyte imbalance and die!
    Your Kidneys can not balance the water and flush it fast enough!
    Trust me I am nurse!
    Talk to your Doctor before you ever make any changes to your diet

    you should really speak with a nutritionist instead of your doctor as they are the trained professional in that area of medical health... doctors barely get any nutrition training if any at all.
  • I also wouldnt be doing it over an hour or so span...it would be an all day thing..
  • Doctors Know about nutrition! They have to know the body as a whole and how it functions this includes nutrition! Yes and if you want a good base see a Dietarian not a nutritionist!
  • if you want to over drink water go ahead... if your kidneys don't shut down you will have a heart attack, is fast weight loss really worth your health.
  • oh my....this was just a question....didnt mean for attitudes to start flying!
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