Struggling with HIGH cholesterol ...

Ugh, Im 24, with a a high LDL. I feel like although im not in terrible shape and my BMI is 25 which is high, I should have cholesterol issues so young! I think a lot of it could be genetic, but nevertheless it's time to get it under control! Anyone else have high cholesterol and care to share your diet changes to help it??



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    What are your numbers? I'm in the camp that believes it's more about the ratio of HDL/LDL/VLDL and other risk factors like triglycerides, vit D, lipid type etc than just an arbatrary LDL number. Another interesting fact is that most of the the Dr's that make up the panel who control cholesterol guidlines make an income from statins companies. Their recommendation to have 70 as the new upper limit for LDL was over turned in 2006, otherwise just about every person on the planet would qualify for statin drugs.

    Weight loss, exercise and elimanting refined sugar/carbs, increasing protein, proper Vit D metabolism and including nicotinic acid (niacin) is a good start.
  • scadoodles
    scadoodles Posts: 110 Member
    What are your numbers? I'm in the camp that believes it's more about the ratio of HDL/LDL/VLDL and other risk factors like triglycerides, vit D, lipid type etc than just an arbatrary LDL number. Another interesting fact is that most of the the Dr's that make up the panel who control cholesterol guidlines make an income from statins companies. Their recommendation to have 70 as the new upper limit for LDL was over turned in 2006, otherwise just about every person on the planet would qualify for statin drugs.

    Weight loss, exercise and elimanting refined sugar/carbs, increasing protein, proper Vit D metabolism and including nicotinic acid (niacin) is a good start.

    My LDL was 131 when my dr. threatened me with cholesterol meds, however I promised i'd get it down on my own. Then after loosing 20 lbs it was 111 and my Dr. was pleased, however I gained back about 15 and my LDL is back up too 121. My total was under 200 but I can't remember was it was and my HDL was 50. but we have a heavy risk of heart disease in my family and my mother died from multiple heart attacks and my grandfather has CAD and CHF.. so just trying to watch myself now.. you know?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Keep in mind that it's oxidized cholesterol that actually causes inflammation and heart disease and the best advice I could give you is to stay away from refined carbs and sugar and consume a higher protein diet....the studies are consistant and show less risk to heart disease.