Insanity in December/January



  • Karri_Lynn
    I'm thinking the real results come in month 2 as well. It's hard to tell so far though because I've eaten so poorly the last two weeks! I think I'm canceling out everything I've done working out. Just a few more days and I'm throwing out all of the cookies and starting fresh!

    Next week is the rest week- maybe I should repeat week 4 and forget the "rest" all together?

    Next week is my rest week to and it just so happens to fall on my vacation. In a way I'm excited to not have to work out to much on vacation but then again I know how vacations go- usually with me gaining 5 pounds! It doesn't help that this is over the holidays. I feel that although I havent lost any weight, I havent gained any either with all the sugary slices of heavenly bliss I'm forced to eat where ever I go! :)
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Off rest week and into the second month. Day 1 kicked my *kitten*. Doing the fit test before the hour long Max killed me. I made it 45 minutes and gave up. Today I finished, but yesterday was too much! Month 2 is definitely much harder!!
  • Karri_Lynn
    Off rest week and into the second month. Day 1 kicked my *kitten*. Doing the fit test before the hour long Max killed me. I made it 45 minutes and gave up. Today I finished, but yesterday was too much! Month 2 is definitely much harder!!

    Month 2 is crazy! I did the fit test in the morning and then the other in the late afternoon. The thought of doing them back to back was enough to make myself to "busy" to do them in a row! My whole body is nice and sore though- which I love!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Splitting them up is a great idea! These second month exercises are much harder in addition to being a longer workout. I love it! And although I like the break Recovery give me in the middle of the week... I'm kind of bummed when the calories burned is so low.