A year on - didn't think it could happen



  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    You look amazing! Well done.
  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    Well 9 months on and I am back!
    The 1st September has become my new 1st January, I need to kick myself up the backside and start visiting more often for my fix of inspiration. I have managed the last 8 months to maintain my weight loss but unfortunately the last month or so the children have been on school summer holidays and my exercise routine went out the window, as did being really good! I can feel the effects and the scales say I have to get back on track too. My aim is to try and hit my ultimate goal by Christmas, back to eating well and back in the gym on a regular basis- wish me luck !

    Just wanted to update my year to the day pictures - 2lbs away from where I wanted to be but hey I made it through Christmas without any gain ( PHEW!!)
    So 1 year ago today:-

    I was 54lbs heavier ( that's nearly 4 stone!)
    had a BMI of 32.5(obese)
    body fat % of 39+ (poor)
    ... Today my BMI 24.9(normal!)
    body fat 28.5%(good)
    have lost in total 51 inches!

  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    It was interesting for me to read this topic again as I have just reached my 3 year anniversary.
    When I 1st arrived in January 2011 I had a long way to go but by my 1 year I was nearly where I wanted to be. I often wondered if people can manage to keep weight off once they have lost it especially me as mine had been up and down over the years and this was the first time I had ever felt in control. Well the truth is I never met my ultimate goal my weight hovered around the same for months and then a few more lbs went on after a holiday and hovered again around the heavier mark and has slowly crept up. Fortunatley I have maintained my excersise and I believe it has stopped me gaining tons of weight. I also believe the biggest factor to my weight creeping up is wine! It has become a regular part of life again ( especially in the summer months) not in excess but regular amounts that I had cut down to occasionally when losing weight. This Christmas I think I have really let myself slip and it can't carry on otherwise I will be gaining stones not pounds!
    So I guess I am back here today looking at the success stories again as they inspired me sooooo much when I first arrived and looking at my own story and feeling determined to regain control and get those extra pounds off and head for my ultimate goal. Would love to get some new friends who may be in a similar position or have a similar goal as me so message me if you are up for it .
    Good luck to anyone just starting out - you can do it !
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    That is one cute dress but you make it look even better!!
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Great work! You look fabulous !!
  • PinkSky788
    amazing! you look great!
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Yes, it's easy to lose focus, but glad to see you're back on track! Sort of in the same boat here... lost a good bit, then drifted. Now I'm trying to reinforce the good habits and lose the mindless eating and the days of sitting around instead of being active.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    LLLLLLLLLLLLLLoooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee your smile in the after pics.

    I can see why you couldn't wait to post some pics, you look so happy and so lovely in that new little black dress.

    Congrats to you. :flowerforyou:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Great job! You look amazing! !
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    Amazing job! Wow!!! Scrolling down, you could already tell there was a huge difference right when you get to your face, great work, girl!!!
  • watercolormama
    watercolormama Posts: 131 Member
    Beautiful! Hard work pays off! Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing because it is working:)
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Fantastic Progress! WTG! :)
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    you look so happy! congrats.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    Wonderful change. Keep it up!
  • JanisMay67
    Wonderful! A great inspiration for the rest of us.

    Very well done :)
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    great job
  • slimnfit613
    slimnfit613 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes...your face says it all! Way to go! Very inspiring!!
  • stephcbms
    stephcbms Posts: 142 Member
    amazing !! you look great !! happy for you !! :flowerforyou:
  • liloldDee
    liloldDee Posts: 92 Member
    It was interesting for me to read this topic again as I have just reached my 3 year anniversary.
    When I 1st arrived in January 2011 I had a long way to go but by my 1 year I was nearly where I wanted to be. I often wondered if people can manage to keep weight off once they have lost it especially me as mine had been up and down over the years and this was the first time I had ever felt in control. Well the truth is I never met my ultimate goal my weight hovered around the same for months and then a few more lbs went on after a holiday and hovered again around the heavier mark and has slowly crept up. Fortunatley I have maintained my excersise and I believe it has stopped me gaining tons of weight. I also believe the biggest factor to my weight creeping up is wine! It has become a regular part of life again ( especially in the summer months) not in excess but regular amounts that I had cut down to occasionally when losing weight. This Christmas I think I have really let myself slip and it can't carry on otherwise I will be gaining stones not pounds!
    So I guess I am back here today looking at the success stories again as they inspired me sooooo much when I first arrived and looking at my own story and feeling determined to regain control and get those extra pounds off and head for my ultimate goal. Would love to get some new friends who may be in a similar position or have a similar goal as me so message me if you are up for it .
    Good luck to anyone just starting out - you can do it !

    The original post was written a couple of years ago this is the ops update for jan 2014.

    Well done on your initial weight loss and for keeping most of it off. I found summer to be a killer with the kids off and like you wine played a role in my gain, well not the wine but the crap I ate with it. I think it's great that your not allowing this to spiral and your taking control, best of luck:-)
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    So easy to get off track. Last year I had lost 25 pounds, but gained back 12 pounds. I have a total of 65 pounds to lose, so even the 25 I had lost last year was nowhere near what I wanted to lose. Wine is a problem with me, too. 20 ounces of the type of wine I like to drink is 1300 calories. Considering that for about 3 months, I was drinking almost that much per day and eating half of a bag of chips with it, it's no wonder I put back on 12 pounds. It's very clear to me that I have an addictive personality and that I need to just quit drinking wine for me to be able to lose weight. I'm sure my liver will thank me, as well...

    Good luck in your journey. I know what a difficult one it is.
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