Starting Fresh to Find Me

Hi all,
I am a mom of 2 boys under two and I am desperate to lose 100 pounds! I have tried weight watchers multiple times, but I just need something different . I have difficulty with exercise because I have a rod in my leg and two herniated discs in my back. My big push right now is to lose 20 pounds before I have surgery on my back. I would loveto connect with some people on here..


  • The great part about this site is that all you need to do is watch your calories. If you can't exercise then that's no problem, it's perfectly possible to lose weight without it.

    I've really found it helpful, not only the tools but the forum and the people. I hope you find it just as useful :smile:

    Welcome to MFP!
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You have definitely come to the right place. Others have said and will say that calorie counting is key. You can lose by counting your calories. Always be sure to come back to give and receive encouragement. You can do this. :heart:
  • The great part about this site is that all you need to do is watch your calories. If you can't exercise then that's no problem, it's perfectly possible to lose weight without it.

    I've really found it helpful, not only the tools but the forum and the people. I hope you find it just as useful :smile:

    Welcome to MFP!

  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome! This site is definitely the place to be for those of us who are wanting to watch what we eat. Before I started tracking it, my weight loss was almost impossible, since I really had no idea how many calories I was consuming (vs. how many I SHOULD be consuming) so when I signed up for this site, it totally changed my way of thinking.

    I'd love to add you as a friend on here, I'll drop a request! :)
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks all!! I am really excited about starting something new. As soon as my husband gets home tonight I am going to the grocery store. Tomorrow is a new day and a new start! My biggest problem is making myself a priority. With my two little ones and my family, I usually come last. I am going to try my best to put my self closer to the top f that list!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    I am really really tired of my ticker at the bottom saying 0 pounds lost :angry: I just wish that Monday would hurry up and get here so I could log a weight!!:sad:
  • Maggiebeth14
    Maggiebeth14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Hun! I know how you feel! I tried weight watchers, too. It helped a little bit, but it would have been better if I had someone to do it with! I would love to be weight loss buddies!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    Hey there Maggie! I just canceled my online WW membership not 10 minutes ago. I had been over there for years and it just wasnt for me anymore. I am loving being over here at MFP. I peeked at the scale this morning and it was down 6.4 since monday!!!! We can support each other as Ex-WWers..
  • JaeDeeCaterpillar
    JaeDeeCaterpillar Posts: 21 Member
    I was a WW member for many years, up until a few days ago when I canceled in favor of MFP. I also have 2 young kids, not quite young as yours, but I understand putting them first and letting yourself slip in the process. Good luck!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks JaeDee!!! I love your profile pic. It felt very liberating to cancel WW!!! Now if i could only get their e mails to stop!!! :happy: