Looking for friends to travel this road with me

Hey everyone - I'm Peter. Recently after a hospital stay I realized that being on the See-food diet had to stop. A friend of mine mentioned this site and I thought it might be worth checking out so last week I joined.

It's been an interesting week as I always have my mobile with me and I put the MFP app on there as well as keeping the website open on my computer all the time. This means that whatever I eat gets logged and that has made all the difference in the world so far. I find I don't even complete a full meal when eating out and overall I am consuming less.

However I also realize that a journey like this cannot be made alone. It takes time for new habits to become a part of a person and making this a "social" undertaking also will help ensure a greater success rate not only for me but anyone who joins me on the trip.

So I am looking for friends regardless of age, location, gender, sexual preferences, religion or weight loss goal. I really don't care if you need to lose or gain 10kg, 100 pounds or more. This is a voyage for all of us and I really think we are all in it together.

So please connect with me as we move down the road! It should be a fun trip.



  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Peter, welcome! You have come to the right place for all of the motivation and support you need. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like :flowerforyou:
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Hi there. Hope you find the site to work for you...it does for me as long as I keep up with it. People are great on the site and you feel accountable for your eating when others can see. You can add me.
  • You are in the right place, Peter.
  • Hi! I would love to be your friend!
  • Chloe95660
    Chloe95660 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Peter! I like what you had to say and I'm new to MFP. This is my third day. Let's do this. You can add me as a friend and we'll do this!
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Peter - welcome aboard!
    You've made a great decision to take your life into your own hands and make it better, feel free to friend me.
  • pearlymae
    pearlymae Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Peter, you have made the right choice, you will get lots of support, encouragement and friendship, I also had really let myself go, I quit taking care of myself 16 years ago, and have gone from 147 lbs. to 285 lbs, I joined MFP June 25th of this year, I love MFP, a friend who also has diabeties ask me join with her, she lasted two weeks and I am hooked, like you I find the food journal easy and really keeps me on track, I am down 43 lbs. so far and have another 70 lbs. to lose, eating healthy is more important to me than being thin, but if we do that we will get both HEALTHY & THIN.

    Would love to be one of your Pals in this Journey to Weight Loss & Good Health
    Your Friend & Pal Pearl

    P.S. Love your Personality, & humor, I know you will and a lot to this journey, looking forward to joining you in your SUCCESS!! :flowerforyou: