Thinking of using diet shakes ?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Shakes are fine as long as they're not "diet shakes".
  • jms11416
    jms11416 Posts: 25 Member
    nothing wrong with a slim fast for bfast... as long as your eating sensible the rest of the day. i have a protien shake almost every night for dinner bc i hate eating late or cooking after i get home from work & the gym... it's a carb control drink & it fills me up... once an a while i'll boil egg afterwards if im still hungry. enjoy you drink but still eat FOOD
  • fitmel08
    Wow lots of conflicting thoughts on this!

    I don't have any "evidence" but my weight loss hit a plateau at one point & my Dr suggested I start getting at least quick smoothie or fruit/cottage cheese combo to get my healthy habits started off right in the morning/when I get up - I'm REALLY not a morning eater either (especially when I worked a weird shift and was going to school at night), but I found it to be really helpful; had a lot more energy, I was more motivated to exercise earlier in the day, and my hunger cues were totally different compared to when I skipped breakfast. For example, no breakfast typically meant that I didn't eat until lunch- I tracked myself for 2 weeks (no changes, just to see what I was really doing) and my portions for the rest of the day were really large & I kept eating a lot later in the day.

    When I ate breakfast, I kept it light and then found that I was a little hungry (not ravenous) about 2-3 hours later so I started structuring a small snack (usually a piece of fruit and some cheese or something) and my lunch/dinners were lighter/smaller, but I also ended up having another small snack between those too (keep in mind, I had a late work schedule, so "breakfast" was actually at 11:30, about 30-60 minutes after I woke up). Lost 5 pounds within that month & definitely did feel less sluggish & sleepy during the day.

    I don't know if this will help, but I worked with a personal trainer/registered dietitian at my last job and she gave me this site- I found the whole thing to be helpful but specifically the myth/truth page might help out?