Having trouble eating after exercises

So basically i work out everyday and it depend on days if i go in the mornings or after school. I don't know if I'm exhausting myself in the gym, but after workouts I can't seem to get any food down. If i go in the morning it affects my whole day, because I'm feeling sick all day! I'm so frustrated, because I'm not getting enough calories in, so my body propably just goes in starvation mode, so i could just skip working out because it doesn't do any work.

When i go to the gym in the afternoon I've been eating right trough out the day and eating all the right ingredients.
Sometimes when I actually manage to eat after a workout i throw up! What's going on :(
WHAT DO DO, I'm so lost, any advice guys?

Thelma xx


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Wow, that's no good. And I'm betting if your stomach is that nervous (one word for it) after working out, it probably isn't absorbing much either.

    Which you are correct, is not a good thing when you are trying to feed and improve it.

    What kind of workouts - strength, aerobic, mix class, ect?
    If aerobic, what kind of heart rate are you usually at?
    If strength, do you have the shakes afterwards from such an intense workout?

    For the morning workouts, do you have something to eat beforehand?
    Otherwise your body is in fasting mode, if indeed 8-12 hrs since last eating (same mode Dr wants you in for fasting blood test). You could be very low glucose by the end of the workout. Should have bite to eat before hand.

    Do you drink enough water normally, or dehydrated almost all the time, more so after a workout?
    This can cause problems working out too, as your electrolytes could become imbalanced, actually effecting your heart potentially, and muscle too.

    Do you feel overheated, sweating stopped near the end of the workout, despite keeping up pace/intensity?
    Could by hyperthermia/heat stroke.

    I'd say unless something obvious stands out in answer to those questions, you probably should visit a sport physician.
    You could be having symptoms when the body is stressed of some underlying condition, that would normally not bother you until now.
  • inforachange
    I mix it up - I Usually do areobic&cardio, go to classes then most of the time i do strengthing exercises afterward and lift weights.
    When I'm in cardio I go up to 175-185 in heart rate. And yeah I get the shakes afterwards.

    I always eat in the mornings before a workout, would never go on a empty stomach.
    I drink so much water everyday, I always have a can of water with me everywhere. Because water is the only thing I drink!

    And no, my sweat is always dripping through out the workout lol.
    So I guess I have no clue what's going on.
    But thank you so much for the feedback! xx
  • VinVenture
    Non-fat chocolate milk is great post-workout, unless you're on a strict no-carb deal. Milk contains protein and calcium that helps rebuild the body, and the chocolate contains sugar that restores your blood sugar. Just limit yourself to one glass and you're off to a great start.
  • annisthehag
    The only time I get shaky when working out is when my blood sugar gets too low. But if you're eating before working out, doesn't seem like it should happen. Maybe try less intense workouts? 175-185 heart rate seems pretty fast (and I have a pretty fast heart rate myself) When jogging my heart rate, on average, is in the upper 150s to lower 160s. I do go higher than that on occasion, but not for prolonged periods. Of course, everyone is different, so even that might not matter. I'd probably go talk to a doctor if I were you, just to make sure everything is ok.
  • inforachange
    Non-fat chocolate milk is great post-workout, unless you're on a strict no-carb deal. Milk contains protein and calcium that helps rebuild the body, and the chocolate contains sugar that restores your blood sugar. Just limit yourself to one glass and you're off to a great start.

    Yeah i was on those for some time, and now it's finished. So I just need to purchase a new one. When to come to think of it, i never had this problem when i was drinking a shake a day.

    Thanks for the reminder lol :)
  • inforachange
    The only time I get shaky when working out is when my blood sugar gets too low. But if you're eating before working out, doesn't seem like it should happen. Maybe try less intense workouts? 175-185 heart rate seems pretty fast (and I have a pretty fast heart rate myself) When jogging my heart rate, on average, is in the upper 150s to lower 160s. I do go higher than that on occasion, but not for prolonged periods. Of course, everyone is different, so even that might not matter. I'd probably go talk to a doctor if I were you, just to make sure everything is ok.

    Yeah i maybe should go easier on the exercises, I ought to talk to a doctor if this doesn't change. Thx for the feedback!
  • Prozack1964
    sorry I cant help you on this one but I feel for you and I am sure you will figure out something just dont give up
  • PAWeissenstein
    PAWeissenstein Posts: 37 Member
    Thelma -
    I remember reading something many many years ago that any intensive exercise will indeed mute your appetite - similar to an adrenaline rush - except you aren't stating if you are hungry once the rush of the workout is gone.

    You also say you drink lots of water. To be a bit flippant - "My name is Peter and I used to be a waterholic." I would drink at least 1 gallon and usually 2 gallons of water a day in addition to my coffee and teas. Recently I found out that this was not the healthiest thing to do and I now am on a liquid restriction for the total amount of liquids I ingest each day.

    I am not sure but I think many of us have fallen into the trap of "if a little is good then a lot is better" and that also holds true of water.

    Are you still in Iceland or have you moved elsewhere? Sometimes little things like changes in the origin of the foods you eat can make a large difference. I remember when I was in Germany many years ago I was able to eat all the fresh breads and pastries I wanted to and the weight just slid off but here in the States I have to watch almost every carb I eat because I'm like a weight magnet.

    Regardless you might wish to make an appointment with a mainstream doctor affiliated with a university medical school or a teaching hospital for a complete head to toe checkup and bloodwork to see if something is out of kilter. Just for what it is worth.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How soon after your workout are you attempting to eat?
  • FitnActiveMom
    I would try try a meal replacement shake after your workout, or even before. That may help. Shakeology is an amazing meal relplacement, and has all the nutrients you need, and MORE! Inbox me if you're interested!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My first thought is, are you drinking enough during the workout? General rule of thumb, at least 8 oz for ever 30 minutes of aerobic/cardio (I drink about the same for resistance). I think we're more dehydrated in the mornings (no water all night) and dehydration can make our stomach all sorts of upset. Try something light and moist like fruit, maybe even a protein shake for the calories, right after you workout, and drink lots during.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I mix it up - I Usually do areobic&cardio, go to classes then most of the time i do strengthing exercises afterward and lift weights.
    When I'm in cardio I go up to 175-185 in heart rate. And yeah I get the shakes afterwards.

    I always eat in the mornings before a workout, would never go on a empty stomach.
    I drink so much water everyday, I always have a can of water with me everywhere. Because water is the only thing I drink!

    And no, my sweat is always dripping through out the workout lol.
    So I guess I have no clue what's going on.
    But thank you so much for the feedback! xx

    Well, your heart rate isn't bad if your max is really up around 200 as the rough estimates might indicate.

    How does your food logging show your potassium and sodium intake at?

    That much water, and only water, could be making your electrolyte levels way off, especially after you sweat a lot.
    So now you've lost a lot in the sweat, but you've drank a lot of water, thinning out what is remaining.
    I can get that after a long hard hot bike ride, without taking any food with sodium/potassium in it, and drinking extra water.

    Try having a good ole V-8 after a workout, and see if you improve better. Or maybe before, unless your pre-workout meal does indeed have decent amount.

    So you might try not be so hydrated in the morning, if you are normally loading up with water at breakfast.
  • inforachange
    Thanks for all the tips!
    Today was a good day, no stomach pain, and managed to eat :)

    I'm thinking this may be caused by the extreme fat burner tablets I'm taking, I'm going to stop taking them for a while and see how that goes :)