looking for motivation

Hi everyone,

I joined this website about 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lb the first week. But I just weighed myself and I'm back to where I started!! I knew I'd lose control during Thanksgiving :-/ How disappointing. Social gatherings are my weakness (as is late-night eating).

I'm 26 and about 15-20 lb overweight. I eat healthy food but I eat a LOT. I ride my bike around but I guess my net caloric intake is greater than the output. I'm especially worried about gaining weight during winter as I can't go outside as much and holiday goodies abound. I want to feel better and carry less weight around while running or biking. I used to be ideal weight back in college and I remember feeling so much better.

Anyway, I hope to stick to this website and log as much as I can until I reach my ideal weight again.

Whenever I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn't, I like to think of Towanda from Fried Green Tomatoes. Here's a fun quote from the movie:

Evelyn: I never get mad, Mrs Threadgoode. Never. The way I was raised, it was bad manners. Well, I got mad and it felt terrific. I felt like I could beat the **** out of all those punks. Excuse my language. Just beat 'em to a pulp. beat 'em till they begged for mercy. Towanda the avenger. And after I wipe out all the punks of this world, I'll take on the wife-beaters, like Frank Bennett, and machine-gun their genitals! Towanda will go on the rampage. I'll put tiny little bombs in Penthouse and Playboy so they'll explode when you open them. And I'll ban all fashion models who weigh less than 130 pounds. And I'll give half the military budget to people of 65 and declare wrinkles sexually desirable. Towanda, righter of wrongs, queen beyond compare!
Ninny: How many of them hormones are you taking, honey?

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