Calling all nutritionists/personal trainers.

I have a lot of questions about my situation with diet/ training including correct calorie consumption (as opposed to the 9 million different numbers I get from each different website I go to) with my measurements of 12.5 in neck, 9 in forearm, 10.5 in bicep, 22 in thigh, 28 in waist, and 38 in hips. I had a very large baby about 2 years ago and I am still trying to get rid of this baby pooch I have (I'd like to lose about 10lbs of body fat) without losing my lean mass. I also *might* have recti diastasis ( abdominal split) so I try to stay away from ab exercises because they seem to just kind of push my stomach out further. I'm also trying to get stronger and build muscle. Anyone help me out? I want to get a personal trainer but I am currently deployed right now. I am also required to eat MRE's for the next 3 weeks so I am doing the best I can nutrition wise, but raw foods are currently unavailable to me :(