Getting back on the wagon

Ok, so basically I haven't been able to work out for the last week due to bad bushfires in our area. I was stuck without any clothes, food or home to go to for 4 days and when we got home there was still no electricity or water. I live in a small beach town and everyone's way of dealing with it was basically to go to the pub and drink - I was no exception!
Well now we're back home and everything is pretty much back to normal and I'm having so much trouble getting back into a routine of eating healthily and working out (and not drinking!). I was doing pretty well before this happened and really want to get back in to the swing of things so to speak. How did everyone get back to a good routine after falling off the wagon for whatever reason?


  • LisaMariaCallow
    I've had some bad days, especially since I'm at my goal weight (like last night :grumble: ) but I basically just get back on track the next day :smile: Sometimes you just need to take it one day at a time!

    Good luck-friend me if you need a buddy!!