Is it burnout or something else?

For the past couple of months I have really been feeling unmotivated. I do a bootcamp class on M-W-F at 5:30 am. I don't want to leave my bed at all but I do get up and go. I don't feel like motivating anyone and dread having to motivate others. I also run on T-TH-S-S. I am not motivated to do that either. Yesterday was bad day for running. I cut the run short and just generally didnt feel like doing it.

So I guess my question is --- Am I doing too much or do you think it is just this time of year? I know at 530 am it is cold and dark so that may be a part of it. I did notice yesterday and today that is starting to get light out at about 645 so that is good. Usually by 3:00 I am just mentally drained and feel like I need a big nap. Anyone else feel this way or is just me?


  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    For the past couple of months I have really been feeling unmotivated. I do a bootcamp class on M-W-F at 5:30 am. I don't want to leave my bed at all but I do get up and go. I don't feel like motivating anyone and dread having to motivate others. I also run on T-TH-S-S. I am not motivated to do that either. Yesterday was bad day for running. I cut the run short and just generally didnt feel like doing it.

    So I guess my question is --- Am I doing too much or do you think it is just this time of year? I know at 530 am it is cold and dark so that may be a part of it. I did notice yesterday and today that is starting to get light out at about 645 so that is good. Usually by 3:00 I am just mentally drained and feel like I need a big nap. Anyone else feel this way or is just me?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It is hard in the winter to get up in the dark and exercise. I know, because I live in Canada and we get up at 5 and go to the gym at 5:30. We walk the dogs in the snow and on slippery icy sidewalks even when we don't want to. However, the benefits are what really counts.

    If you are bonking out in the afternoon, it could be what you are eating. I have started eating clean and I have cut out caffeine. I have energy all day long and have never felt as good as I do now. I know I have a long way to go to achieve my goal but I have every intention of meeting it.and feeling good along the way
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi SherryRH,

    I'm so sorry to hear that. That must be awful. I've at times felt the same and find different ways to find motivation again.

    That is so so early to go to the gym and workout. Well, I live in Ontario and it's dark and cold too. Though more and more daylight out. So, the lack of daylight would be one factor I guess to your not feeling motivated.

    Perhaps though, it's also the early factor of the class too. That you're not getting enough sleep. It would be good to get more sleep and feel rested, rejuvenated, revived, re-energized, refreshed so that when it's time to get up, you do feel like getting up rather than sleeping more.

    You say, by 300pm, you're drained and need a big nap. Sleep deficit would do that to you.

    Have you considered shaking up your exercise routine a bit and doing other new movements/exercises to introduce a different type of energy to your repertoire of movements??

    Pilates, yoga-, dancing classes-salsa dancing, line dancing,ballroom dancing, hip hop dancing, belly dancing, or play a sport, tennis, basketball,squash, skiing, skating, snowboarding, hockey, volleyball, table tennis, bowling, swimming, tobaganning, indoor soccer, ............

    It is that time of year and it isn't that time of year. Sometimes, in the brightest of mths, in the warmth of winter, we may not feel motivated either.

    I admire your exercise routine of bootcamp and running, that is real dedication to be so committed at such an early hour what I am suggesting is to add some fun, creativity, and the most important element of all, You into it. Add You into it Sherry:flowerforyou: :happy:

    What would you be like as a dancer, as an athelete, as a yogi, as a artist interpreting music?

    Lose your abandon and let loose into a dance, or a sport, or a yoga pose, or a pilates machine.

    One thing I do do you may like to try and it's so fun and easy is youtube any song that makes you move, and just sit there and try NOT to move, then, arms start flailing, toes start tapping, shoulders grooving, head starts bobbing, b4 I know it I'm standing up and dancing like there's no tomorrow and making some crazy, funny moves and then, I youtube another song to do. I do like 5, sometimes up to 10 songs. And before I know it, I feel jazzed!!!!

    The other thing you may ask yourself is who are you doing all this for?? What is your motivation?

    If the answer is You, then great!!
    If the answer is for anyone else, then, perhaps it's better to do it for you.

    Take good care SherryRH. If you ever Youtube songs and danced a storm and really liked it. Let me know which song and I would try it too!!

    By the way, the one that never fails for me is Family Affair by M.J.Blige. Another is Faith by Geore Michael.. This was after Eli Stone on ABC. Could not get that song out of my head so I Youtubed it and danced everyday to it for like 2 mths almost!!!

    :flowerforyou: :happy: Take care Sherry

  • zuleika
    I do not know if you are doing to much. i believe that if you have to ask the question that you know the answer. I think that you should do boot camp during the week and just run on the weekend. your motivation may just come back.

    I am happy with myself an lost 1 pound and i am hoping to lost another pound. I started at 155 pound is July of last year lost weight gain and always complained now I just do what I have to do. I walk and believe me when it is to cold you cannot get me to go out side. I found this web site last week and it has has help me more then the discovery health fitness challenge.

    I telling you all this because I hope this will help you

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    For the past couple of months I have really been feeling unmotivated. I do a bootcamp class on M-W-F at 5:30 am. I don't want to leave my bed at all but I do get up and go. I don't feel like motivating anyone and dread having to motivate others. I also run on T-TH-S-S. I am not motivated to do that either. Yesterday was bad day for running. I cut the run short and just generally didnt feel like doing it.

    So I guess my question is --- Am I doing too much or do you think it is just this time of year? I know at 530 am it is cold and dark so that may be a part of it. I did notice yesterday and today that is starting to get light out at about 645 so that is good. Usually by 3:00 I am just mentally drained and feel like I need a big nap. Anyone else feel this way or is just me?

    Why don't you try something new?? that might help. maybe you are getting board!! hope that helps!:wink:
  • WShope
    WShope Posts: 46 Member

    I know exactly how you feel. At the beginning of this week was very hard for me. I didn't work out Monday but I have the rest of the week and man do I feel better. I don't know if you're doing to much either that's a question you have to answer for yourself. But I will say this. Sometimes they body does need a breather. I don't mean taking a week off by any means but maybe sleep in one morning and you may find that your body just needed that extra sleep to rejuvenate itself.

    Hope that helps.

  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Something that I find helps a lot in the winter is salsa dancing. Think about it - hot Latin bodies, hot Latin rhythms, everything wiggling, and it is SO much fun! My hubby and I can dance (and sweat through our clothes) til 4 in the morning and look at our watches and wonder where the time went. When I do that, I feel sexier, I laugh the whole time (because I'm certainly not good!) and we have the time of our lives.

    Maybe just adding some fun exercise like that in will be enough to motivate you!! Either way, keep it up, it's going to be spring before you know it! :flowerforyou:
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I was up at 5:30 every morning for awhile and winter I think these last few weeks I can barely get out there at 6:00. I think it is over worked. I am like you, I run about 30 miles a week on most weeks and do strength training a few days too. On top of that I have 3 kids, a house to take care of and I teach figure skating. So I do not sit until like 8:00. We forget that we are burning calories all day. Sometimes we need a break. I give myself one day at least to do nothing. I hope my motivation comes back to get up early again, I hope yours does too. Be easy on yourself you do a lot.

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    thanks everyone for your suggestions. On my way home today from bootcamp I was thinking I need to do something different. We have a guy in bootcamp who is a personal trainer and he offered to do sessions at $20.00 each. I was thinking about contacting him and seeing about setting up a couple of sessions and doing something after work. That might do the trick. Even though bootcamp is always something different everyday we have been cooped up in the gym and not going outside to do different things. I know when it gets warmer we will but its not the same being inside every time we work out.
  • byeuboy
    I've been having the same symptoms. Winter, snow, cold, dark, cabine feever. I just loked at my fitness report for the last month. Wow! I excercised 1 time in 2 weeks. I usually go to the basement to workout right after work, everyday. But for the past 2 weeks I've been so tired and unmotivated. I feel your pain SherryRH as I live in cold eastern Iowa. I think it's the winter weather. That's it, I'm getting back into the groove tonight, I promise.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    thanks everyone for your suggestions. On my way home today from bootcamp I was thinking I need to do something different. We have a guy in bootcamp who is a personal trainer and he offered to do sessions at $20.00 each. I was thinking about contacting him and seeing about setting up a couple of sessions and doing something after work. That might do the trick. Even though bootcamp is always something different everyday we have been cooped up in the gym and not going outside to do different things. I know when it gets warmer we will but its not the same being inside every time we work out.

    Hope and motivation is back in your voice. That's good.:happy:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Are you going to bed early enough to accomodate waking up at 5:30 every day?
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I am usually in bed by 9:30 for a wake up of 4:45 am
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Wow im getting tired just looking at that! I feel unmotivated as well. I just want to sleep. I feel tired all the time no matter how much or little i sleep. I know i do need to excersise but its hard just to get the work done around the house. Im new to this whole winter thing, this is my second winter but last year i left for a month and got a break.

    Besides my lazyness you could just be getting bored, winter tirdness and lack of body rest.