I'm new

I'm 28 and live in Atlanta ga. I have recently lost 50lbs with the help of diet pills but I'm worried what that's doing to my body and that I'm not training myself to eat right to keep it off. I love this site so far but need some friends with motivation!! How do I find and add friends?


  • Welcome. I'm new too, as of yesterday. Lets be friends and I can support you any way I can. :)

    I sent you a friend request.
  • jess719
    jess719 Posts: 4 Member
    As i just found out the people on this site give so much support. I know you wont have any problem. I hope you like it so far. I'm glad we will be able to do this together. Congrats on your new beginning.
  • I'm new as of Thanksgiving Day. My neighbor told me about the site and how he has lost about 30 pounds in 3 months just keeping to the calorie count. I've known this guy for 25 years and he is not an exerciser. He told me he didn't do a lick of exercising, so I believe him! :)

    I'm over 50 (I'm not saying by how much!), and although I'm not "looking" for anyone to talk to, I'd be more than happy to have conversations with anyone who needs a little motivation or commiserating, or whatever. I log my foods immediately after eating, so I'm on the site at least 3 times a day. Good luck to everyone to reach your goal!