Weightloss while breastfeeding help...

Hey out there,

So I'm 6 weeks post pardum after a healthy pregnancy and delivery and looking to get back into shape. I have been giving the all clear from the doctor. My goals are not so much about weightloss as about being in shape and modeling a healthy lifestyle for my daughter.

I'm still breastfeeding my baby and concerned that cutting calories will decrease my milk production. How do I ensure that I'm conuming enough to keep up production while still promoting a healthy diet? How do I set my goals to reflect the necessity of the extra calories required to produce milk?
I know that my current size is relevant to my caloric needs, so I'm 5'2" and weighed in at 194 at my last doctors appointment.

Any and all advise is very much appreciated.


  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    There is nothing more important than breastfeeding, in my opinion, at this point in your life.

    Eat very, very healthy, and exercise, and don't worry about the pounds.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    I don't know if you have had children before and/or breastfed before. But I swear there was no better weight loss for me than breastfeeding. Keep drinking lots of water, do moderate exercise, eat good whole foods every 3-4 hours and just relax and enjoy your baby!! :flowerforyou:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Hi! There is a breastfeeding support group that you can join here:

    Basically, with breastfeeding if you are doing it exclusively (no solids, no formula, just breastmilk) you need 500 calories per day to sustain it. There are a couple of different ways you can account for this on MFP. (pick one option, don't do all 3 LOL)

    1) You can set up your MFP profile goals (like if you want to lose 1 lb per week) and then go into your food diary each day, go in like you are going to 'add food' and then type in 'breastfeeding' - several options pop up, including breastfeeding exclusively, and if you choose that option and add it to your diary it will bump up your goal by 500 calories for that day. So if your goal was 1300 based on MFP's calculations for your weightloss goals, for that day your goal will increase to 1800. The only downside is you have to do this every single day to account for the breastfeeding.

    2) You can set your MFP profile to 'maintenance' instead of weightloss, and the 500 calories you burn during breastfeeding will be enough for you to lose 1 lb per week if you stay right at your maintenance calorie goal. (500 calories per day burned breastfeeding x 7 days = 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat). Or if you had already set it to 2 lbs per week, you can scale it back to 1 lb per week.

    3) You can bump up your activity level up higher than what your actual activity is. So if you have it set to 'sedentary' you can bump it up to 'lightly active' or 'active.' Bumping up your activity level will make MFP allow you more calories.

    Above all, pay attention to your body and your baby, and if you feel like you're having problems with your supply don't be afraid to change up your plan and allow yourself to eat a little more. And be SURE to stay well hydrated.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Breast feeding burns a lot of calories on it's own so it should help you with losing weight already. I lost weight while breast feeding and what I was doing was eating small snacks every couple of hours like string cheese, fruit, nuts, and yogurt. I was eating lean cuisines for lunch b/c at that time I didn't pay attention to sodium and for dinner I was eating a pretty normal dinner. I was walking on the treadmill twice a day for about 45 mins each. I never noticed any decrease in my supply from eating less calories and exercising but you def should keep an eye on it and if you feel like you are seeing a decrease try eating a little more and make sure you are getting enough protein.
    Good luck!!