the scale hasn't budged!!!!

tanman2005 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
My scale hasn't budged in two weeks now but I have lost another inch from my waist. The inch lost is wonderful but I would like the scale to move down as well. I eat my 1200 calories and I exercise at between 30 and 90 min. a day. When I do eat my exercise calories I gain weight and when I don't eat them I lose but now I'm at a stand still. Does anyone have any suggestions. I would really appreciate any advice.


  • My scale hasn't budged in two weeks now but I have lost another inch from my waist. The inch lost is wonderful but I would like the scale to move down as well. I eat my 1200 calories and I exercise at between 30 and 90 min. a day. When I do eat my exercise calories I gain weight and when I don't eat them I lose but now I'm at a stand still. Does anyone have any suggestions. I would really appreciate any advice.
  • I'm a noob so I don't have any advice for you! I just wanted to tell you not to give up, you can do it!!!
  • When you do exercise do you lift weights?
    If so your doing a fat to muscle exchange! Your muscle weights more then fat.... So dont worry AT ALL about what the scale tells you.... Just look at the inches you lose!! How your cloths fit!

    Good job with the calories!!
  • joonieB
    joonieB Posts: 101
    When I was in the same boat a couple of weeks ago I dropped 3 workout days. It did the trick. The weight started shifting again and now I'm down another 4 lbs. The key for me is sticking to the 1200 (I gain when I eat the workout calories too--don't feel like a failure!) and mixing it up on the workouts. When I hit my next plateau I will be adding those three days back in and see where I get. Keep fooling that body!

    **Sometimes it's inches and sometimes it's pounds, but rarely both at once for me.
  • Thanks so much for all of the advice and I might try to drop a work out or's hard to do that now after having been use to it. I feel bad if I don't at least walk or do some kind of strengh training! Plus I have a great friend who rides my behind if I don't work out. Thanks again for all the advice and support!
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    yes I am with you on the exercise calories.. I mix it up and some days I eat them, some days I don't and it seems to be working for me too :happy:
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I had this same problem last week, so this week I tried to keep my *net calories* hovering around 900 (whereas the week before my net calories were between 300 and 600 and I was not losing.) I had a 2 pound loss from Saturday to Thursday doing this.

    Your mileage will vary, but take a look under "Reports" at your net calories and see if they're very low. You don't have to eat all of your exercise calories, you can cut back on some of your cardio....I did a little of both.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My scale hasn't budged in two weeks now but I have lost another inch from my waist. The inch lost is wonderful but I would like the scale to move down as well. I eat my 1200 calories and I exercise at between 30 and 90 min. a day. When I do eat my exercise calories I gain weight and when I don't eat them I lose but now I'm at a stand still. Does anyone have any suggestions. I would really appreciate any advice.

    Dont consider it a standstill until your the same weight for a month. You have to give it more time I would advise doing what you have been doing and pumping up the excercise an extra 30minutes and see what happens after 3 weeks. You really have to do more than 30minutes per day 5-6 days a week...
  • phed0017
    phed0017 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes I agree with csmith. Muscle does weight more than fat and that inch is something to celebrate!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Yeah mine hasn't either, it's right where I left it in the bathroom. I thought it would at least make it to the hallway:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding! Keep on trying, never give up!
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