trying to stick with this...

a friend of mine posted about MFP on Facebook and I decided to give it another go. I've been gaining weight like crazy and I really need to stop, and lose!
I am 34, married with 4 kids. I am a stay at home mom with a very active toddler. I also babysit another toddler. My downfall is chocolate and ice cream and I have horrible cravings!!!
As much as I want to lose weight, I really want to lose the fat and feel good in my body again. I would love a few friends so I can see how everyone else does it.


  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    MPF is pretty easy lol. If I can do it, anybody can lol.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Happy to be a friend along the journey. I found if you cut sugar and white flour the sugar cravings seem to stay away. :happy:
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I am a complete ice cream and cupcake addict.. the only way to avoid said addiction is to NOT bring it home from the store. If it's not here, I don't feel particularly obligated to eat it. I keep my house pretty sparse of unhealthy (meaning things we'll gorge on) things nowadays. It's also helped my husband and son reign themselves in too. We have meals and if they want a snack, they eat the healthy snacks I buy instead.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Happy to be a friend along the journey. I found if you cut sugar and white flour the sugar cravings seem to stay away. :happy:

    Oh, yeah, that too! I cut out all the 'whites' for 'browns'. Now everyone in my house eats multigrain everything. It really stops the blood sugar spikes and falls that cause hunger.