Forever Fat

I dont think I can do it. I feel as if I'm doomed to stay fat forever. Everyone else in my family is fat so part of me thinks well why not you too its easier. I went to the gym the other night and worked out for 20 minutes and used hanging out with a friend as an excuse. I work at mcdonalds so I eat there most of the time. I feel stuck. I read what some of you say which is try harder, and I just dont know how to make myself. I feel hungry all the time and I just dont know what to do.


  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    Hey hang in there. You look about the size I was when I was your age, and now I'm diabetic and have to stick myself with needles 4 to 5 times a day. My feet and hands go numb all the time and when I hit 30, my FACE and NECK got fat! I was fine with myself being fat as long as it was below my neck! Now I also have sleep apnea and have to sleep with a machine at night. I feel OLD and I'm not even 40 yet - I will be next year. Maybe this will help motivate you. Be blessed!
  • Iwillbemeagain
    You can do this,,,, its hard to get going but once you do and start to see progress it will make you want to work harder!
  • amandamay71
    amandamay71 Posts: 17 Member
    I feel your frustration... Will power is so hard to keep! Go to the doctors and get full bloods done to ensure your thyroid is working properly... Then maybe see a dietition .... You can do it, you just have to really want to... (lol.. says me who is addicted to food!)
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Don't give up. This is a journey that will have its ups and downs. The thing to do is pick yourself up and keep going. Find things that you like to get yourself moving more if exercise is your problem. With McDs....bring your own and only eat there maybe once a week and go for the healthier options if you need to eat there. We do this for ourselves and noone else.

    Hang in there....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • kappy_hollowell
    Maybe you need a different approach. Do this for your health. Think about how unhealthy the rest of your family is, if they are fat. I know you can do it! So many people have accomplished this task using MFP, and have lost numerous pounds! Please don't give up. I'm not going to say try harder, but try something different.

    I would not be able to eat McDonald's if I worked there, but if that's your only choice, try the oatmeal, grilled chicken sandwich, yogurt parfait, yogurt and walnut salad, and the garden salads with grilled chicken.

    You may not be making the right decisions food wise. To feel full, you have to have sufficient nutrients in your diet.

    If you eat a hamburger (250 calories) and the same calories worth of broccoli, you will feel full longer with the broccoli rather than the hamburger.

    I hope this helps, add me as a friend for support!
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    if you give up, youll continue gaining weight and will feel worse and it'll be that much harder to try again to lose it. and read what the diabetic lady up there told you - she scared the *kitten* outta me. :)
  • barbiebarkley
    i believe that if you doubt yourself then ur setting yourself up for faliure!!if you use a positive outlook and say iI CAN AND I WILL,you will do that!!!get up every day with that I CAN!!!and maybe that will work for you.or even write I CAN!!!!on ur hand so you can see it all day!!!every time u think of not being positive look at it and say it!!!good luck.i believe in you and so should you...add me if you'd like
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    If you don't get rid of the mentality that you can't do it, then you won't.

    Make a goal of losing 1 pound. If you lose one, you can lose 2. If you lose 2, you can lose 4, and so on.

    Move that mountain one pebble at a time.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I made this pic because I was feeling like that too.


    And then I decided I was too stubborn to be fat.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    definitely dont give up! mickey ds has salads and fruit and yogurt parfaits and the apples slices, there are healthy choices. just make the decision, you dont have to stay fat just because you family is. i know how hard it is to keep on task when everyone else eats what they want but in the long run it is worth. something i say to myself is those fries taste good for a mere few seconds but being thin will feel good forever!
  • slobcat
    The first thing you need to do is quit eating McDonalds! As someone said it is hard to start with but over time the hunger pangs go away and you find it easier. I felt like I was absolutely starving myself at first! I used to eat snacks like chocolate, crisps and pizza on a regular basis but now I'm into the swing of things I'm learning to resist them without being too gutted about missing out. You also don't have to cut junk food out completely, just have it in moderation/for treats now and then. Your friend is right I'm afraid. It's your body, only you can make it look how you want it to.

    Good luck :)
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Fat is a mindset. I learned my eating habits as a child and followed them until a year ago (I'm 49 so that was a LOT of years) after 55lbs gone, I'm still fat. Because that is how I view myself.

    You're not doomed but you do definitely have obstacles to overcome. Do your best, make small changes and don't look at the big picture. Eventually those changes will become habits and the picture will get smaller.

    Chug water (lots of ice water on hand at work) and stay away from the cheese :smile:

    Good luck hon, things will turn around. Remember little changes go a long way.....
  • Radcliffe83
    I don't know what the menu at mcdonalds is like, surely they do salads, do they have chicken which isnt fried like KFC? Basically know what is going in you and then know how much you need to move.

    Able to walk to work? Able to get up 30 mins earlier and walk before you normally get ready for work?

    I know it sounds simple and saying it is. Doing it is harder... 'eat less, move more'

    Good luck, add me if you like, happy to comment on any diary you have or give tips for recipes or even just chat if it helps.... I am working on my weight and have a job where I sit all day, exercise is very much something I have to think about to fit in my life.

    Keep motivated.
  • kappy_hollowell
    if you give up, youll continue gaining weight and will feel worse and it'll be that much harder to try again to lose it. and read what the diabetic lady up there told you - she scared the *kitten* outta me. :)

    Amen! Scared me too!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Your head has to be in the right place. If you aren't ready, you aren't ready.

    However, I think you are ready simply because you are here and wanting to succeed, asking for help. It's good to get fit and learn healthy habits while you are young.

    What troubles me is, why are you hiding your workout time from your family? Do they rib you about trying to get fit? If so, that is horrible and they need to stop it.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I felt that way after my doctor diagnosed me as Hypertensive at age 20. I was like "Well, what's the point" but then I sat and thought on it... I want to be like an AWESOME grandmother or even great grandmother who still runs around with her kids, grandkids and great grandkids. I want to be like my Great grandma who's still alive, doing well at age 90... Sounds like fun times to me!!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I know how hard it can be to go against what the rest of your family does. And working at McD's on top of it! Your family is just going to have to get used to you trying to lose weight, that means that when they go grocery shopping you should ask them to get you healthy food and snacks. If they won't, use your money from your job.

    It must be so hard to refuse McDonald's but one way to say no is to not be hungry, fill up on stuff that's good for you. Healthy food is actually more filling, pretty soon your stomach will have shrunk and you'll be able to eat less calories per day.

    You can take baby steps to get there but just keep moving in the positive direction. Drink plenty of water. And keep going to the gym! You don't have to find an excuse! Tell them outright where you're going. You should feel proud of the effort you're making.

    Don't resign yourself to be a certain way for the rest of your life, YOU have the power to change yourself and become healthy. Joining MFP is a great start. Believe that it's possible, check out all the amazing success stories in the message boards for inspiration. Good luck :)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    It's important to take baby steps and not the "all or nothing" attitude. If you make small changes, such as stop eating fast food and make food at home instead, they will add up. Start by logging your food - everything you eat - and try to eat just a little bit less calories or a little bit healthier. Stay away from the scale and stop focusing on losing weight. Try to focus on how you feel and focus on being HEALTHY. Feeling healthy with more energy feels amazing and is more important than just losing pounds or inches.

    As someone that has quit this healthy kick way too many times to count - in a few months from now when you look at where you're at, you'll regret not making these small changes that would have added up to some pounds lost. Maybe small changes will only make you lose 2 pounds a month, but you know what? In two months when you see you're down 4 pounds instead of the same weight - or heavier - you'll be happy you made small changes instead of just giving up. Focus on the long-term health benefits and not just the aesthetics of being skinny.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    If you don't get rid of the mentality that you can't do it, then you won't.

    Make a goal of losing 1 pound. If you lose one, you can lose 2. If you lose 2, you can lose 4, and so on.

    Move that mountain one pebble at a time.

    ^^ I agree with this. Your self talk will defeat you faster than your genes will.Change your mindset to "I can do this. This is hard, but I CAN do this!" :flowerforyou:
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    also remember that it takes at least 14 consecutive days to create a new habit (or break an old one).

    Try something and stick to it0no matter what- for at least 3 weeks. Chances are, you wont want to stop because it actually feels good. Have your friends meet you at the gym.

    Bring healthy snacks in your bag to eat on your breaks at McDonalds instead of fries and stuff. It is HARD, but you CAN do it!!!!