Tips on packing lunch when you are just too busy!



  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Your kids pack their lunches themselves, so why can't you pack your lunch while they are packing theirs? There are a lot of busy people out there, and you simply just need to make time for yourself. I don't understand how you can make breakfast for your kids and can't just make an extra serving for yourself... You need to keep yourself healthy for yourself and for your kids and that means making time to make yourself breakfast and lunch.

    As for snacks, try different trail mixes. Buy a big bag and measure out servings in plastic bags or Tupperware on the weekend for the week ahead. Stews, soups and chili are all really good things to make and freeze... you can just grab one on your way out the door and there you go, lunch! I'm not sure what you do for work, but if there is a fridge there, buy some wraps and stuff to go inside them and leave them in the fridge! Easy to assemble, healthy and delicious!
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I don't know if you have access to a frigde at work, but sometimes I just pack soup, salad fixins,, etc and just take them to work on Monday and then that way I know that I have food in thefridge for the week at work.r just pack the same thing for yourself that you are already packing for the kids.
  • Andi67
    Andi67 Posts: 41 Member
    You all are AWESOME!!! Keep the suggestions coming....I am taking notes. I know that I truly have time, I just don;t use it on myself, so the suggestions really help. I love the idea about having the kids make my lunch for me, provided I give them the options for the items I would like to have. They may even like this....However, they will complain to all their friends that I make them make their own lunches and now I am making them make mine too!!! HA
  • Pick a day that you have a few hours, to cook for the week. Like Sunday I take a couple hours and cook and pack my lunches for the week, as much as it stinks its so easy for the week. One less thing I have to worry about :).
  • Im new to mfp and I guess I shouldve read the quotes before I wrote :/ Sorry for a repeat! :)
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    The only thing that has worked for me is to eat pretty much the same basic things every day at work and to prepare/pack it the night before. Even though I no longer have kids at home, if I wait until the morning I procrastinate, or my husband's doing the dishes, or I don't feel like it, etc. I make it brainless and quick, so it works. For a while, I made all my salads on Sunday and put them in the spare fridge but that ended up being over-kill once I had established my routine. So here's my current routine:

    Every Sunday I go to Costco and get the large mixed fruit bowl, a large container of mixed salad greens, English cucumbers, and bell peppers. Every month or so I buy a fridge pack (24) of 6 oz Light and Fit yogurt and a large tub of cottage cheese. I also keep on hand Kashi Go Lean Crunch (good protein and very filling) or another filling, nutrition-rich cereal..

    Every night, Sunday through Thursday, I measure out 1/2 serving of Kashi and put it in a snack size bag or a small Tupperware containers. I prepare a large fresh salad in a round Gladware container, using salad greens, a cucumber, a bell pepper, and some sort of protein--cottage cheese, left-over grilled chicken, hardcooked egg, etc. That's where the "variety" comes in. I keep on hand a good variety of low-fat, low-calorie salad dressings, as well as alternatives, such as salsa, muffalatta, etc. This keeps it from getting boring. I put 1 to 1-1/2 cups of fresh fruit in another container and often take a piece of fresh fruit as well.

    I eat breakfast at work, since I take a medication in the morning and need to wait at least an hour before eating. I have the yogurt, the Kashi (or other cerael), and sometimes the fruit. If I don't have all three, I save one for a mid-morning snack. Sometimes I get crazy and mix it all together. :0)

    For lunch, I have the salad, which is huge and takes a long time to eat. The fresh fruit I keep until the afternoon.

    This works for me because I hate sandwiches, it's very filling, and find that the combination of salad + protein allows for enough variety that I don't get completely bored. .
  • me and my fiance' are bag lunch makin FOOLS! (well, i am anyway, he just eats them :P) after we eat dinner, when i'm putting away the dishes, whatever is leftover i pack in a container for him. whatever needs to be cold goes in the fridge, and anything that stays out (like gummi snacks or peanut butter), goes right into his duffel bag, so he doesnt forget it.

    also, why not employ one of your children to make you your lunch, while they make theirs? if they can make their own sandwich, they can certianly make you one too.

    and i strongly suggest what others are saying about taking some time during the weekend, or week, and makeing your own portion bags of fruit, nuts, veggie chips, etc. so that theyre easy grab and go when you dont have the time during your work week.

    and my best tip? buy some of those cheap waterbottles in 12, or 24 packs and keep them in the trunk of your car. if you forget your drink at home, you've always got a bottle of water to grab before you go into work.(not to mention WAY cheaper than buying it for a 1.50 from the soda machine everyday)
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