hello everyone!!!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Marie. Just a little bit about myself.I am 26 years young. I am 5 feet and weigh 185 pounds currently. I am trying to lose 65 more pounds to be at my goal weight of 120 pounds (: I have tried so many diets and have tried to lose weight for a million times before but I know and feel that this time is different! I am motivated to lose weight this time and would not mind finding MFP friends for support and motivation on this journey & I will gladly return the favor!

I try to walk on a regular basis, I have a membership at the gym but hardly go anymore. I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred yesterday so today is Day 2 on Level 1 and boy! am I sore! I have been eating healthy foods, fruits and veggies. I cut out soda, beer and sweets from my diet. It was hard at first but now I find it really easy to pass up "junk food" cause I know in the long run I am helping myself out although I have read and heard that sometimes it is okay to eat the not so healthy foods as long as it is not everyday. Any other weight loss tips or advice is welcomed. I need all the help I can get!

Bye! :smile: