Coping with a non supportive family. Help!



  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    get a good group on here and keep it up you'll feel better if you do
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Find ways to pull out the willpower. They may control what food comes in to the house but they don't control what, of it, you eat. They don't control how much you eat. Keep aiming for healthy choices. You will make bad ones but try to make more healthy than anything. I know it isn't easy when it feels like nobody around you cares but here's the thing: YOU care. And that is important enough. And since you live out in the country, perhaps you can get outside and run?... It's free, nobody's stopping you and, during this time, you can re-evaluate what you desire and your goals... maybe come up with some solutions... but even if you don't, the endorphines should help you feel good.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    It's really hard when the people you live with don't support you.

    Up until a couple weeks ago i was having a bit of the same problem, I only share a home with my youngest brother but he was a big junk food eater and loved getting fast food.
    I finally talked him into working out with me and joining MFP and it's been a lot easier since then.

    I'm guessing your family wouldn't care to workout or join MFP, so that's a bummer.

    I think all you can do is try to stay strong as possible and just eat smaller portions of the unhealthy meals that they cook and always remember that your MFP friends are here for you :)