feeling so down

This evening, after my shower as I was drying off, I looked in the mirror and the reflection staring back at me was so depressing. All I could see was the jiggling of my stomach, how huge my thighs are, and the fat under my arms. I know I've lost 40lbs but all I can see is the excess fat still on me.

I also did a measurement of my calves cuz they seem to be bigger...and they are. They've gone up a bit in inches. WTF!

I looked in the mirror and there wasn't anything I was proud of. My stomach still sticks out and jiggles as I walk. I still feel so fat. I am not very confident tonight. I always try to aim to have an increase of 2lbs after the day is over, but today, I am sitting at 3 and its frustrating to see my body go up.


  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    I know exactly how you feel ..
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    put on some lipstick, a push up bra, some heels, do your hair, and kick that mirror's *kitten*!! Figuratively.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I have those days too, but I just move on and stay on track and then I tend to feel really good on other days. It all balances out. 40lbs is amazing!!! You can continue on and it will get better. Are you doing any toning exercises? That could help a lot!
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    Hey there!! Don't give up. You have made so many gains!!! Go look at a before and after picture if you have one, that has kept me going. You don't realize how much your body changes. Stop comparing yourself to these magazines and other people and look at all the progress you made. Keep eating healthy and working out and you will get there. You rock
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    so sorry to hear that. everyone has down days. I agree with Jennloella! Maybe look at some pics to see how far you have come.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Me too. Me too. 20 lbs down and my potbelly is just as big, just rounder and more defined.
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    i have a magazine of famous people without their makeup. yuck !!! that makes me feel better when i'm going through some moments.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Stop being so hard on yourself! This hurt my heart just reading it ......40 lbs is a huge loss no matter which way you look at it. Even if your calves went up in inches it's most likely muscle and not fat,right? I'm assuming to lose those 40 lbs you had to work out which means you've turned fat into muscle. Keep on truckin' and add supportive friends that will lift you up when you're feeling down on yourself!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    It's frustrating. I think everyone has felt this. Don't despair, you've lost 40 lbs! That's effing amazing. You may not be where you want right now, but keep in mind weight isn't everything. You're probably building muscle too! Just keep up the good work, there is always tomorrow! :)
  • i have those days.. a lot too :(
    but you've done amazing so far! no doubt you can accomplish your goal :) keep your head up and know you've already lost a lot of weight by hard work
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    i have a magazine of famous people without their makeup. yuck !!! that makes me feel better when i'm going through some moments.

    I like this idea a lot!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    put on some lipstick, a push up bra, some heels, do your hair, and kick that mirror's *kitten*!! Figuratively.

    I agree with this! ^^^
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    I was reading your profile and you said your boyfriend tells you that you are beautiful now you have to tell yourself that.. believe it or not you are.
  • MadamMunch
    MadamMunch Posts: 3 Member
    I know it's hard to keep your chin up at times. I have had times when I feel just like you do, especially when getting ready to go out somewhere, and I feel like I can't find a thing to wear and that I look awful. I know how you feel.

    BUT you have come SO FAR already, and losing weight in a healthy way takes time. I think you are doing fantastically and I bet you look fabulous, even though you don't think you do.

    I have lost a lot of weight and still look a bit flabby because of the excess skin on my belly - maybe it's the same for you, I don't know.

    I find when I am feeling a bit down I force myself to go for a long walk. Exercise really gets the endorphins going AND it helps with the weight loss! It's a win/win!

    Keep going and you will get there. I think you are beautiful, anyway :)
  • This is a great place to vent and get support. You are not alone in this journey. Everyone has good and bad days. You have to appreciate what you accomplished so far and keep moving forward to your goals. Good luck!
  • oh, my! i know that all of the piddly-tailed things people can say don't really matter and my boyfriend, who has lost over 50 lbs so far told me the same thing at breakfast this morning....

    i'm telling you... regardless of what it's looking like right now, you are doing great! you have to work hard to see results. it always plateaus in cases such as ours. when you're feeling down, just reflect on what you've gotten done so far. like i tell him (my bf), you're your own worst critic. when your self-esteem hits rock-bottom, recall your achievements. look at adjusting your mini-goals. remind yourself of your nsvs. keep going even if you're wondering, "why bother?" you'll be glad you did.

    i'm really glad that you posted your worries/doubts/anxieties. i went through it just last week. he was going through it this morning. it will happen again, unfortunately, but just brace yourself. i'm not one of those people that cares to blow smoke up peoples butts, but 40 lbs is no small feat. you have apparently been working your tail-end off and you're entitled to your emotions... just breathe and, please, turn to us - the community, your friends - and vent it. don't back-track. don't give up. don't let your pessimistic side dictate your life.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I've been feeling the same way here lately, I was down to 223 and now I have been floating around 227-234 and just feel fat and I know I have lost a ton but, I guess its like everyone says, we will never be satisfied with what we have. today is my one year and I have been thinking about this a lot today. I need to get it together and start the ball rolling again but. I'm finding it harder to every day.
  • teresastrowz46
    teresastrowz46 Posts: 41 Member
    smile, smile, smile! everyone has their down days. but realize this...you have lost over 40 pounds!! that's huge! go to the gym and pick up two 20 pound dumbbells...that's how much used to be on you. this whole thing is a process...and you're on your way! so keep your head up and know that we're here for you!! try to stay positive :)
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    The calves are probably gaining muscle. I wouldn't sweat that. And 40 lbs? That's AWESOME. It's not going to change the reflection overnight. You're probably going to be one of the last people to see it, since we're often our own toughest critics, but you will get there.

    Give it time, but don't give up.

    Keep tracking what you're tracking (food, exercise, WATER) and remember that you have a whole bunch of people here who WANT you to succeed. :)
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Hey there!! Don't give up. You have made so many gains!!! Go look at a before and after picture if you have one, that has kept me going. You don't realize how much your body changes. Stop comparing yourself to these magazines and other people and look at all the progress you made. Keep eating healthy and working out and you will get there. You rock

    Listen to this guy! Don't give up!!