hello all :) im new here an in desperate need to shead some

hello :) im new to this whole thing an dont really know much about when it comes to dieting and what to eat, i have gained 30+ lbs and watched my self esteem slowly vanish.. i have tried diets in the past an only lost about 10 lbs an reached my stand point, i dont rly kno what else to do an any advice would be much welcomed :) my overall goal is to lose 30 - 35lbs

thank you


  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome, first know that it's 80% tracking calories, 20% exercise. So be sure and stay under your calories each and every day.

    You also may want to start something like 30 day shred, which is 20 minutes/session and you can do in the comfort of your own home.

    Search for it on MFP and you'll see lots of threads.