Help with weight loss

Smhous Posts: 2
After lot of dilly dallying I finalled embarked on my diet. I plan to lose 75lbs. Current info:
Height: 6'
Weight : 275lbs
Excercise: 5 days a week. cardio : 40 minutes on elliptical machine 5 days
Strength Training: 3 days
Unfortunately, my initial results have not been heartening. I have only lost 1lb !
What am I doing wrong?


  • im telling you right now when the experts come around they are going to want your food diary to be open.

    edt: im not the best at this so i will let someone else answer but thye cant help you if your diary open. they dont know what you are putting into you that would be yielding these results.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    My first thought was "why can't I see his diary" Does that make me an expert?
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    You have left out a key factor-how long hve you been at this? What are you eating-or not eating. We all want to see the weight go quickly, but you have to be realistic. If you are eating too lttle, you could be slowing your metabolism, or if you are eating the correct number of calories are they the right type?
  • Consistency is the key. And always be honest when it comes to your food diary; over estimate rather than under estimate it. If you can exercise at least an hour a day if you can but try to do at least something every day even if it's just leisurely walking. I saw on TV that in order for a woman to maintain her current weight she has to exercise for an hour a day. Now that seems like impossible, BUUUUUUUT if you are not eating what you were eating in the past, you can get away with exercising less too. (Or if you want to go all out keep to the hour a day regimen and it will peel off)

    I am just getting back to the grind after having my daughter 8 months ago but before that I lost 35 pounds in 6 months and was on a roll. I exercised almost an hour 5-6 days a week and made sure I didn't binge on the non exercise days. After the first month the weight started rolling off. STICK WITH IT! It will happen! Friend me...we'll do it together!
  • My first thought was "why can't I see his diary" Does that make me an expert?

    i would say yes :p
  • Thank you all for replying. Sorry I'm a newbie and I didnt think about the diary part. I've opened it now.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Doesn't look like you're eating enough my friend.

    PS I'm not really an expert I just play one.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm not an expert either... but 1000 cals a day.. for a 6' man?
    That just isn't enough food to keep you healthy. Although it looks like you are making great food choices, you need more of it!

    MFP has calculated a calorie deficit for you already - that means that you can eat up to that amount of calories and you'll lose weight.
    I know it's counter intuitive to eat more when you want to lose weight - but cutting calories dramatically doesn't always have good results. For one thing, you may not be getting enough of the essential nutrients you need to stay healthy. You'll probably be lacking in energy sooner or later. And it's not going to be easy to sustain such low calories.

    I say - eat more!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm not an expert either... but 1000 cals a day.. for a 6' man?
    That just isn't enough food to keep you healthy. Although it looks like you are making great food choices, you need more of it!

    MFP has calculated a calorie deficit for you already - that means that you can eat up to that amount of calories and you'll lose weight.
    I know it's counter intuitive to eat more when you want to lose weight - but cutting calories dramatically doesn't always have good results. For one thing, you may not be getting enough of the essential nutrients you need to stay healthy. You'll probably be lacking in energy sooner or later. And it's not going to be easy to sustain such low calories.

    I say - eat more!

    OMG, this guy needs to eat!!! I betcha we all can give this guy the Alton-Brown treatment: some "Good Eats"!!!!!
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