Flat Feet Problems



  • cevans_rr
    cevans_rr Posts: 44 Member
    I know your pain. I went to a podiatrist and had orthotics made about 20 years ago. I STILL wear them! Best investment ever. However, if you have these don't get workout shoes for flat footed people or that will make your arches hurt. If I don't wear them my back and legs hurt. As for me, I personally can't go barefoot for very long. I tried kickboxing barefoot for awhile but I needed more support. Good luck!
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Yes. Knee pain and flat feet are very much connected.

    I have flat feet and when I used to play hockey, it would cause pain in my Achilles tendons and my knees, and I eventually had to have surgery to repair my ACL and take out torn cartilage.

    I suggest taking 2 ibuprofin before a workout and icing 20min on, 20min off, 20min on after your workout. It will reduce any swelling that may have occurred, which may cause stiffness and pain. Other than that, make sure you're doing a ton of leg stretches, and try to integrate leg lifts into your routine because it helps to build supportive muscle around the knee with no impact.

    Hope this helped :)
  • TriPixie
    TriPixie Posts: 28
    this is more then likely not the advice a podiatrist would give...lololol.. but... i have flat feet..and i work out 95% of the time BAREFOOT. Because shoes KILL my feet when I workout... I do my home workouts on carpet...and zumba at the gym... in those danskin yoga socks... i've tried many different sneakers..and can only go about 20 or 30 mins before my feet are screaming in shoes!


    Strengthen the muscles in the feet by going barefoot and PLEASE don't get roped in to expensive orthodics or running shoes.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I also have flat feet with knee pain (all the time) after workouts. Arch supports do not help and just cause blisters. I have found that going to a store that specializes in running shoes and getting measured for shoes that fit your feet help... doesnt solve the problem, but helps.
  • supjennifer
    supjennifer Posts: 2 Member
    I have flat feet, but also...get this...sprained arches. I have no actual arches, but where I should have an arch, that is sprained...permanently. (It happened in September 2009). I was a dancer for over 20 years and have caused way too many "permanent" injuries to my body. Too many to list, that's for sure.
    I've tried orthotics -- store bought and custom made. Neither have helped the pain while I work out. I even do low impact options for TurboFire and other exercises. My knees hurt, my hips, my ankles, shins, everything.
    Recently I've gotten a pair of Adidas Supernova 3W (I'm pretty sure that's what they're called) and they've helped the most so far. However, my foot rubs funny in them and I've gotten 6 monstrous blisters in the past week while wearing them during workouts.

    I can't run or jog or anything. I typically have a high tolerance for pain (from dancing for 20 years and having to dance with sprained ankles, broken toes, fractured toe through my foot, etc.), but no pain I've experienced is worse than my flat feet mixed in with my sprained arches during exercising. They hurt throughout the day and when I start walking after sitting or laying for a long period of time, so during workouts they are absolutely terrible.
    Best of luck. Let me know if you have success because so far, I haven't had much.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    My feet are really flat too. I've had a lifetime of problems with knee pain as a result. Custom made orthotics. The only way to go. Speaking of which....I should get some too.

    This. After years of prescription drugs and chronic knee pain I finally went to a podiatrist and physio. A combination of exercises to strengthen my knees (particuarly the quads) and some adapted orthotics (cheaper than custom - the podiatrist has added bits to the bottom of a shop-bought pair) and not only can I get out of bed without being in agony but have taken up running.

    I'd also advise against doing exercise barefoot (which I know some people will disagree with) - this gives me tremendous pain. I not only wear my orthotics when exercising but also in my shoes at all times - even when indoors. The reduction in pain is incredible.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    get motion control running shoes - no question
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I have flat feet as well, and yes some days my knees will hurt me and I can't do a lot of squats. I am currently doing P90x and kickboxing/boxing. When I do P90x Plyo, I can't do some of the moves because my feet will hurt and others I can't do due to my knees. I do what I can. On the days I kickbox and box the only problem is our warm up which is running, my right foot starts hurt pretty soon after running, it's definitely not my lungs, or legs. But my foot tends to supinate so rolls outward and my foot will hurt a lot. Once I did a really long walk with a friend, my foot hurt for about 4 days after the walk and I couldn't do anything else I could barely walk. So now if it starts hurting I modify. I would buy orthotics but they are so damn expensive and my insurance wouldn't cover.
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Had the same problem... got severe plantar fasciitis with my "orthopedic" $250 shoes.....

    Started exercising barefoot after I healed, and I've not had problems since...

    They also make barefoot shoes. I highly reccommend.

    That burning pain was preventing me from doing so much!!!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    My 22 yo son has the same issue. He had to buy running shoes that have a lot more padding in them than regular shoes. He also takes glucosome and limits the amount of plyometric exercises in which he engages.
  • zgochenour
    zgochenour Posts: 67 Member
    I had custom orthotics and they never really helped -- motion control shoes help though. If you are heavier, I highly recommend Brooks Beast. If you do much weightlifting though, like squats and deadlifts, I advise to either do these barefoot or in a very thin shoe like Chucks -- otherwise it can make knee pain a ton worse.
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    I have very flat feet which has caused me a ton of knee and ankle pain over the years. I've also had several knee and ankle injuries from sports, so that doesn't help.

    I got orthotic inserts from my podiatrist, and it helps a little.
    My flat feet has caused some really serious swelling in my ankles though - it's so gross! i can't wear strappy sandles because straps never fit around my ankle...
    it's the worst! my podiatrist wants me to get customized orthotic inserts but they're $500 and my insurance doesn't cover it.

    i literally feel your pain :/
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    I am 5 7 and I have flat feet as well.. IF your knee pain is just under the knee cap.. it is a combination of the flat feet and leg muscles needs strengthening ... That is what my Dr told me.. I have been doing strength training for my legs to help support my knee and it does help!! Best to speak with your individual DR to make sure that is what is going on with you!! Best of Luck!!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I have used custom orthodics and a PT recommended to make sure I was stretching use a golf ball and just roll it around under your foot. If one foot or area becomes tighter you will favor it and thus the pain moves upward so make sure you are stretching hamstrings and quads as well as hip flexors and IT band. I know it sounds bad but ice baths also help a lot. You just have to get past that first few minutes
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm another flat footed person who works out barefoot. The arches of my feet just ache so badly if I wear trainers and I only work out at home, do its ok to go shoeless! :smile: