Back to fight again...

Wow, time has flown since I was last here... I was doing so well and then my relationship of 3 years ended unexpectedly. I ended up not being able to cope too well, lost weight through not eating...which meant I wasn't taking on enough cals to exercise safely....

Now i'm in a better-ish place mentally, my weight has shot up and i'm finding i'm getting depressed over it. I've had such a whirlwind few months - I have a new partner, a man i've known first when I was 11 (we went to the same Karate class), then he came back into my life though my brother (at work) 5 years ago. He was a good friend - having been through the same feelings a year and a half ago when his own relationship ended. One thing led to another and he proposed to me just over a week ago (speedy work)! I want to take things a little slower now before thinking of weddings and I now desperately need help to get my diet back on track to be the person I dream of being... and to fit into that dream wedding dress! I'm trying to piece my life back together but I can't make this start on my own... I need you, your motivation and understanding when all I feel like doing is crying over my weight gain and the clothes that look and feel far too tight! Not to mention both brothers are getting married next year and i'm bridesmaid for both .... one dress is too tight already and I only have till mid Feb to lose enough weight! HELP!


  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    Friend me - I'll fight with ya :) !!!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    Friend me! Happy to help motivate. I'm fighting too, and winning! Slow and steady (1 lb per week ) but getting results!
  • LynnMcDeal
    You go, Girl!!! You can do this! Everything's heading in the right direction for you in life . . . watch those calories, exercise 30 minutes a day . . . drink lots of water . . . stay determined -- and watch those pounds slip away!!!

    Congratulations on all that's happening in your life. My very best wishes to you and have a wonderful holiday season and the happiest of New Years. (All things in moderation over the holidays.)

  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
    Hey good luck to you!
    Just make acheivable and controllable goals regarding your 1) diet 2) exercise 3) sleep and you WILL reach your goal weight.
    You can do it!!