Morning All

tattooedjules Posts: 3
Good Morning All, I joined a few weeks ago and was really good at sticking to it for a week or so then had a busy weekend so haven't been updating but here is the way forward and updates are a must, I have been reading the forum and you all have done so well, there are many great tips, advice, food tips and more which I have now noted down and found extremely useful. My Name is Julie and I am trying so desperately to lose weight as I saw my recent holiday pictures and some videos and hated what I saw to the point I wondered how my man of 12 years is still with me.. the usual stuff.. but I have found doing a calorie controlled diet to be the best thing this far and it makes you aware of what you are putting in your mouth each day and I think its quite surprising when you look back and look at what you used to eat without even thinking which is shameful from my perspective.. anyways I wont bore you guys anymore but I wanted to pop by and say hi and introduce myself, I hope to be a great part of this community and do what you guys have been doing and be a support to others... I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning ...

Signing Off.. Ju :)


  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    welcome to the club Julie, the forum is a great way to get things off your chest, get support & generally recognise that you aren't alone. There are many of us (like me) who go 3 steps forward 2 steps back in our quest for better health & lower weight. Just keep trucking though, accept & move on when you fall off the wagon & come to the forum for encouragement & tips. You can do it.

    p.s love your tats, are your eyebrows done too?
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    forum glitch, original reply wasn't showing but now is, technology!!!
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