2nd week stall?

I'm almost done with my second week of dieting and exercising. Last week I lost 6lbs, but gained 1.5 back on thanksgiving. I've been checking the scale and it hasn't moved since I checked last Friday (ok maybe an oz or two). I'm getting a little discouraged because I've been working really hard. My food diary had been good except for a couple of days eating out this weekend (calories stayed under, but sodium was over). I drink plenty of water, a gallon a day to be exact. I work out twice a day (jm 30ds in the am 6 days a week and either c25k or jm boost your metabolism in the pm). I know people have talked about no weight loss while doing the 30ds, not sure if that has something to do with it?

Any insight would be helpful.


  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    Totally normal! I stalled the 2nd week as well, after an initial 6lb loss. It just takes time for your body to get used to its new routine :smile:

    Just keep doing what you've been doing, working out and eating right and you will see results soon!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If weighing every day is discouraging you, then switch to weighing once a week.

    My second week I lost 0.1kg. Tiny loss. I was devastated, After just over four months I've lost 22.9kg (50 pounds) It's normal to be up and down.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    It is probably best to pay more attention to inches loss instead of weight. I mean that is the true goal after all. Another thing to do is be PATIENT. This is the main thing I tell everyone. If you try to loose weight too fast, you'll be more likely to put it back on. Just keep in mind that you will loose fast in the beginning, but it will slow. You need to stay disciplined and focus.
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Thank you. I'm trying to focus on how I'm feeling rather than the scale, but it is a bit discouraging when the scale doesn't move. I think I'm going to put the scale up for the rest of the week/weekend and just focus on eating healthy and working out. I feel energized and I DO feel stronger, so thats all that matters in the end.