Exciting day for me!



  • jclmrn
    jclmrn Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations! It's surprising what can be done in less than a year. In late January I got serious about running and lifting...have lost 35 pounds and 'transferred' about another 15. (transferred is what I consider when the scale doesn't move but we lose inches- exchanging fat for muscle). Just be mindful of that on any charts- by charts I am still considered overweight but I wear mostly 8/10s and my fat composition is down to 20%. So they can do you know what with 'charts' as far as I'm concerned. You are doing awesome- keep up the good work & enjoy!

    I am definitely trying to be mindful that I have been "transferring" lol. I have been at a pretty much standstill with the scale for the past couple months but you can see a definite difference in my body shape - like I actually have a waist now & my embarrassing back fat is almost gone:-) I know intellectually that its "just a number on a chart" but damn if it doesn't feel good that I don't have to be considered obese when I fill out my health insurance forms this year! Congrats on the fat comp%, that's awesome!
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