Pit Bull Rescue

I found a sweet Pit female approximately 10 days ago. Long story short, I have looked at every agency in town, as well as gone through all of the rescues on Petfinder.com and still cannot find a place for this angel. Greenville and Spartanburg Counties do not accept Pit mixes and all the other agencies were at full capacity. To my devastation, I had to take her to this county facility:


This is NOT a no-kill shelter and she is what they called a non-desirable adoption. I signed paperwork to have them call me prior to putting her down, as I can go reclaim her. I live in a small condo with 2 Chihuahuas, and I'm struggling to find the best alternative as I'm expecting a phone call saying I have to come get her or she'll be put to sleep! Even if you can't help, if you can email me ANY other resources or rescues. Here are the ones I've contacted to no avail already:

Little Rascals Pit Bull Rescue
Lucky Charm Pit Rescue
Semper Fi Pits Rescue
Greenville Humane Society
Spartanburg Humane Society
Concerned Citizens for Animals of Greenville
K9.5 Rescue
Hugs for Hounds
Pet Tender Angels Rescue
Sable, Inc.
Hounds of Peaceful Place
Fur Angels Rescue
Critter Connection



  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member
    I hope you get some help! Over here even dogs that are pitbull type or even look like one get PTS, its terrible. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Where are you?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Have you heard of the Animal Planet show called Pitbulls and Parolees? They are a Pitbull rescue in Cali, but they do travel to pick up dogs. The rescue is called Villalobos or something like that. Just google the show. You can email them to tell them the story and see if they can come get her!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I'm in the UK where pitbulls are a banned breed and pts immediately, shame on us if you ask me....

    Anyway, sorry I can't help as I don't know any rescue organisation in USA, but if you are on Facebook try Indigo Wheeled Terrier Jones, they do wonderful work and might be able to help with some suggestions.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trying to help another living creature like this, we are a rescue household and it breaks my heart to think of animals being pts simply because of their breed...
  • http://betterlifecaninecenter.org/
    They recently helped my co-worker's friend by adopting a stray dog who was aggressive to everthing besides humans. She was a pit mix too I believe.
    They may not be in your area, but I'm sure they will be able to recommend a course of action for you!
    Good luck!!! ^_^
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I hope someone comes and gets the dog! I rescued my dog just over 10 years ago, he is part pitbul (lab, pointer... and who knows what else) and he is the greatest dog you could imagine. Loves everyone especially the kids, gets along with other animals.. we really got lucky with him!
  • Where are you?

    Greenville, South Carolina

    I'd be willing to travel some to take her somewhere.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Have you tried to put her on craigslist? I have had amazing luck with that, you can screen people that contact you about her, so that you can be sure she is going to a good home. I had to give our female pit up, her and my male just absolutely hated each other, and it was wrong to try and make them live together...it broke my heart to get rid of her, but I put her on craigslist and she went to a loving family....and they still stay in contact with me and send me pics...

    We have also rescued a Doberman and found him a good home through craigslist, and a hunting dog that was abandoned on the side of the road, someone drove almost two hours just to get her!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member

    Best of luck DA
  • Have you tried to put her on craigslist? I have had amazing luck with that, you can screen people that contact you about her, so that you can be sure she is going to a good home. I had to give our female pit up, her and my male just absolutely hated each other, and it was wrong to try and make them live together...it broke my heart to get rid of her, but I put her on craigslist and she went to a loving family....and they still stay in contact with me and send me pics...

    We have also rescued a Doberman and found him a good home through craigslist, and a hunting dog that was abandoned on the side of the road, someone drove almost two hours just to get her!

    Yeah Fae, I've had her on Craigslist since the day I found her and have reposted several times. I haven't gotten so much as ONE email reply. The first time I posted, someone flagged it for removal. I just hate that Pits have such a bad reputation, she is such a sweetheart.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I love pits! They are one of the BEST breeds. Sweet and loveable but, need the right owners. I hope you find her a home :(
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I love pits! They are one of the BEST breeds. Sweet and loveable but, need the right owners. I hope you find her a home :(
    ^^ This. I can't have pets or I would take her. It's disgusting how difficult it is to have Pits. I actually got into a yelling match with my father because he kept trying to tell me that they are vicious and only a hoodlum would own one. :noway:
  • I really hope you find her a home. If you have Facebook (if you haven't already) you could send out a message to all your friends asking them to re-send and post. I actually found the second dog we adopted (a pit - pointer mix) on FB through a friend of a friend of a friend :smile: you get the point. It worked for him (he is an incredible dog) so it may work for her!

    Best of luck and thank you for being such a caring person. :flowerforyou:
  • Have you tried posting this on facebook also? I live in a city full of young people and a lot of the dogs here were adopted. I'll repost this on my Facebook wall and let you know if I hear anything...

    I would love to take her but I already have two dogs that are living at my parents house because my roommate is allergic to pets :/ Good luck!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    That really sucks DA, they must be a little more acceptable around here, I had so many replies about my Nemesis that I had to delete the ad after I got about 3 good prospects....and when we had the Doberman and hunting dog up people were calling days after asking that I contact them if the other people decide not to want them.....

    I hate that you are having to deal with this, I know what its like to have the heart to want to help, but not the right conditions.... have you tried to maybe put her on another site, like petfinder?
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I really do urge you to contact Indigo on Facebook, in the UK Facebook has helped to re-home and reunite so many lost dogs with their owners - heck, you've got to try it, you have nothing to lose!


    They are in Stafford, Virginia, but I am pretty sure they travel far and wide to help educate people on pitbulls - Indie is on the cover of The American Dog Magazine this month. The reason he has to have wheels is because he was beaten with a shovel and was left paralysed...
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Best of luck in finding her a home...we had a pit bull (see my profile pic) but had to have her PTS two years ago (she got very sick and there was nothing the vets could do for her). She was my husband's dog for 9 years, and was far and away the coolest, sweetest dog I've ever met. Every person who was "afraid of pit bulls" was eventually won over by her!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I have a pit and I LOVE him. He's the sweetest most snuggly dog in the world. It cracks me up when people see him and get nervous. I'm like, please, he would hide from a fly! My 3 year old kicks his butt on a daily basis and he takes it like a champ, lol.

    You are a good person for trying so hard to take care of the dog. I'm in Pittsburgh PA and we have a rescue here called hellobully.com. It wouldn't hurt to contact them.
  • Thanks for all the thoughts and support! I'm thinking of picking her back up from the shelter and fostering her. I have just reposted a new ad on Craigslist and contacted the people that were suggested to me via PM (thank you for that).

    If anyone knows of someone looking for a sweet girl I would be happy to speak to them and travel for her safe, good home :heart:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    contact The Dog Whisperer. He rescues pits- he'll know what to do. He has a website, cesear milian