Winter blues

I am in the midst of winter blues and I hate it! =( I just started to feel really crappy. Have any of you develeoped winter blues and if so, how do you cope with them?

I just don't have any motivation to do anything.. I want to eat everything in site and in the mornings I don't even feel like getting out of bed to go work out! =(


  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Not sure where you live, but it's pretty common. You might want to invest in some full spectrum light bulbs.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I actually have gone to tanning beds for the winter blues - not for long periods of time or anything like that and I never got a tan but I left feeling a whole lot better. Full spectrum bulbs work wonders.

    Other than that Vit D, and exercise.
  • You're not alone regarding those winter blues, and I was feeling the same way too. I just had to snap out of it and acknowledge I wasn't happy and filling the void with food isnt the answer. Just try to keep yourself busy and some days are harder then others. Just know that your worth it and don't beat yourself up.. Good Luck
  • I hear ya!! This use to happen to me ALLL the time. Welp, the only thing you can do is what you would normally do. Drag yourself out of bed and head to the gym! This will give you more energy and will combat the blues. The worst part is getting there, from there it gets easier. Also, Omega 3's work beautifully for winter blues. I double my intake through the winter season. If you really feel depressed and just blah, I would recommend maybe St. Johns Wort or a low dose of 5-HTP. As always, always check with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you to take certain supplements, but this is what has/is working for me!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I hate to tell you this but it's not even winter yet :ohwell:

    that's one of the lowest priced ones on Amazon.
  • kaizen31
    kaizen31 Posts: 74 Member
    Try doing a simple exercise like body weight squats to get revved up. Once I do one exercise, I usually get energized enough to do more. has helped keep me motivated, too! You "level up" with points you earn by exercising. I still have some invites if you (or someone else in the thread) would like to give it a whirl.

    Good luck, and hang in there!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Light therapy, exercise, Vitamin D, and possibly B-12 and St. Johns Wort as an OTC treatement for SAD.

    While I don't condone heavy use of tanning beds, light exposure for your whole body is difficult to come by in the winter months, so you might want to consider treating yourself to a series of sessions - possibly buy a packet of visits and use them twice a week, just for the therapeutic value this will have. Good luck!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    maybe that is my problem right now!!

    i get home, cook, clean and just sit!! WTH!! it's dark and cold desire to go back outside!!

    i think i am going to start bringing my gym stuff to work with me and go directly after work.........then go home and do all the nightly duties......the family will just have to deal with it! (I don't have young kids, so the one still at home can have a snack till dinner is ready)

    tanning sounds like a good option, and i even have that option with my gym membership!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I hate to tell you this but it's not even winter yet :ohwell:

    that's one of the lowest priced ones on Amazon.

    Personally speaking this is my favorite time of year (even though its not winter yet) - Fall and Winter are both seasons I can finally go outside without the risk of getting sick with the sun mixing up with one of my medications badly...

    S.A.D. needs to have a formal diagnosis by your doctor.... however, if you are feeling 'blah', you need to simply go outside and get some fresh air, get a good brisk walk in while youre out there... reevaulate your dietary intake, perhaps youre not eating the right kinds of vitamin/mineral enriched foods, not drinking enough water to keep hydrated enough....

    But, yeah, its not winter yet...
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Also, Omega 3's work beautifully for winter blues. I double my intake through the winter season. If you really feel depressed and just blah, I would recommend maybe St. Johns Wort or a low dose of 5-HTP. As always, always check with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you to take certain supplements, but this is what has/is working for me!

    never thought of taking an OTC med for the winter blues.........thanks for this suggestion! (not my post, but very thankful as I am feeling the same way and was going to be posting something similiar!)
  • christine_6980
    christine_6980 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks all! =) I LIlike the tanning option! I always forget about that! I do go outside on my breaks at work and that so far has helped me today. I know I need to get tothe gym... it's pushing myself to go that is the hard part.

    I know it's not winter yet.. I guess I worded it wrong? It's the time of year with the weather changes and time changes and everything like that that gets to us... I am definitely feeling those changes and need to MAKE some changes! haha. Thanks for the support guys! It's very much appreciated!
  • Light therapy, exercise, Vitamin D, and possibly B-12 and St. Johns Wort as an OTC treatement for SAD.

    While I don't condone heavy use of tanning beds, light exposure for your whole body is difficult to come by in the winter months, so you might want to consider treating yourself to a series of sessions - possibly buy a packet of visits and use them twice a week, just for the therapeutic value this will have. Good luck!

    As yes! Vit D also is a great supplement to take. Since most of us work during the time of day when the sun is actually out (and rarely get to see it... booo!!!), we are not getting the amount of Vit D that we need. Here are just some of the signs of Vit D deficiency:

    Depression; when you feel sad for no reason and have constant mood swings,
    Chronic fatigue; when you feel tired all the time, even without any physical excursion,
  • I've been fighting this as well for about a month. This morning I began doing the 30DayShred. This will be my second go at it, as I had awesome results the first time. I just had to force myself do it. I made a protein shake after my workout, made from juice I juiced-and feel wonderful! I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: