Thought I'd come say hi!

Hello everyone

I just signed up yesterday and I'm really liking this website. I'm 26 and a mother of 2 young children and I am lucky enough in this economy that my husband is able to work while I am able to stay home and take care of our children.
I've always battled my weight and it's always seemed to get the better of me. I'm trying to change my focus from losing weight to just maintaining a healthy lifestyle...though that's not necessarily easy either! I want to be a good example for my kids and feel human/healthy again!



  • angiereeves33
    Welcome! I stay home too, with my four (6, 4, 4, and 2) .
    Happy to support one another here.
    Congrats on taking steps in the right direction.

  • sehuff08
    Thank you! My children are still really young. My son is almost 2 and my daughter is only 4.5 months old. I'll take all the support I can get :)
  • ruiz3569
    hi my name is Angie and i have lost 30lbs still a long way to go would like to make new friends =-)