Best Scales?

I'm looking for a new scale. The last one I had was super cheap and not very accurate, so I'm wondering what kind you all use and if you like them?

Thanks in advance for your input! :happy:


  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Wow i could of totally made this post hahaha I NEED A GOOD ONE TOO BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP
  • Figuringoutme
    I have a digital taylor. It was 20$ at walmart.
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I recently did some research looking for a new scale and the Eat Smart Digital Bathroom Scale seems to have great reviews. It is only like $30 on Amazon.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
  • starrlight23
    starrlight23 Posts: 105 Member
    I have no idea. I will tell you to avoid all Taylor scales though. I have seen alot of peole complaining about them as well as myself. The thing seems to remember your last weight and always give you that same number unless you weigh something else on it.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I have no idea. I will tell you to avoid all Taylor scales though. I have seen alot of peole complaining about them as well as myself. The thing seems to remember your last weight and always give you that same number unless you weigh something else on it.

    I swear by my weight watchers scale that I bought at Target for under $30.00.
  • xbetterbesocialx
    Thanks for the input everyone!
  • luvmybaby333
    I'd like to know this too. My Wii Fit scale is temperamental.