runners knees

I have been greatly improving on running/jogging. I used to really enjoy it and have rediscovered the joy, starting slowly and building my endurance.

Recently my knees have been complaining. A couple of weeks ago, I felt like I was ready to challenge myself and I ran a little over 3miles on a Fri, then the following Tues, Thurs, and Sat. That Sat and Sun, my knees were sore and I listened. I haven't run in 2wks, doing other things but I still walk my dogs for about 30-60min every day.

My knees are not sore anymore but they feel tight and I do get twinges when the dogs pull too much. Sometimes they have that "weak" feeling, usually while I'm sitting down. I'm not crippled, they are not swollen, and I don't think I've done Dr visit worthy damage but I'm curious......

1. Could I need new shoes? The nikes I have are about 3mths old but I was not running nearly as much the first 2 mths.
2. Are there any specific stretches I can do to loosen up my knees?
3. Any other ideas/suggestions are appreciated.



  • MadDogTannen22
    MadDogTannen22 Posts: 88 Member
    I would be sure to listen to your knees, stretching them in the meantime. The only stretching exercise I know for knees are knee circles (Im sure you can google it) but it really helps my knees just touching my toes, and also I put my foot at hip height on something (I use the handlebar of my treadmill)and bend and grab your foot, stretching everything! I am a beginner myself and have only run into knee pain once for about a week, and did these things and didn't run for 7 days.

    Good Luck!
  • curbnoise
    curbnoise Posts: 37 Member
    It could definitely be the shoes. How did you select the Nikes you are currently running in? When I started running I started developing pain along the inner portion of my knees and assumed it was just part of "getting old" and just soldiered through. I was wearing Nikes at the time as well.

    I eventually went to a running store and the associate asked me about my problem, looked at the wear pattern of my shoes and watched me run on a treadmill. Turns out that I pronated and the shoes I was wearing did not accomodate this. Within a few days of switching to new shoes the pain dissappeared and I have been running with pronating New Balance shoes ever since.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I had a similar problem and posted it here. Someone told me to strengthen my hips. Within about 2 weeks of working on hip muscles (through kickboxing and pilates leg moves) the knee pain was gone! Not sure exactly how that works, but I guess there is more stress on the knees when you have weak hip muscles.

    If that doesn't help, look into new sneakers or even see your doctor just to be sure you don't really hurt yourself.
  • brookeg20
    I am a regular runner, and almost every time my knees start to hurt it means I need new shoes. New running shoes always fix the problem for me. Try going to a specialty store and getting fitted for new sneakers. Be sure to take your old pair with you so they can see how you pronate. Asics have worked really well for me, and I run about 15 to 20 miles a week.

    Also, check out the running world website. They have a lot of great tips on there how to run and stay injury free. Good luck, and I hope this was helpful!
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Great advice, thanks. Looks like I need some new shoes.