I need help staying motivated.

I'm new to this site, but I really like it so far. I've learned a lot just by documenting food and exercise for just a few days. Eye-opening! Each time I try to lose weight, I fizzle out after a short time. I'm really wanting to lose about 20-25 pounds by next summer and I'd love some help staying on track. Would love to share fitness tips and healthy (tasty) recipes. Please add me as a friend if you'd like to share motivation.:flowerforyou:


  • Your goals are right in line with mine. Wanna buddy up to stay motivated?
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Add me if you want! We can support each other and I like learning and sharing new tips with all my friends :)
  • Let's do it! :happy:
  • Absolutely! Count me in. Do you know how to invite friends without their emails?
  • The more motivation the better i am 25 pounds away from my goal weight. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • erinbart
    erinbart Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning, my goals are very similar. I would love to lose 15-20 pounds by summer or sooner =). I also have a few more personal goals, for example: workout at least 30mins a day, limit my calories to under 10,000 per week, limit wine intake =( to day that I'm off work and stop drinking soda. I would love some help staying motivated with this. I'm new to MFP and not sure how to add people.
  • does anyone know how to do the friend thing without the email address?
  • It looks like we have the start of a really good group. Now we need to friend each other....