Visit with Specialist today :)

angeleyez77 Posts: 45 Member
edited October 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,
Well today I went to go see a specialist and it went well she checked my feet and breathing and heart rate and etc. She is getting me to go for 2 fasting blood work tests and she is taking me off 2 meds and upgrading them to new different better ones and a new blood sugar pill which hopefully it will regulate my blood sugar :) She said to keep up with my low sugar breakfast and lunches and stick to my walks and exercise routine. She was a really nice Dr and I dont go see her for another 5 months and then she said the Family Dr I am seeing will be good for me to have cause she will let me know what my numbers are and theres a Diabetes Education Center there and I will meet with a Diaitician and they will work with me. I have to call to make a Apt the week of Dec 4th so keep you posted.
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