What am I doing wrong?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Op, looking at your diary you have a lot of refined sugars and very carb heavy. I would look to reduce carbs to 40%, increase protein to 40% and fats to 20%.

    Also i might have missed it but how often do you work out?
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Honestly, it's hard to tell because your diary is sporadic.

    seems though on most of the days that you did log that you are quite a bit over your calories which leads me to believe you're probably also over eating on the days you aren't logging...?

    All i can say is log every single day and be honest with yourself and do your best to stay just under or right at your calorie goal.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thank you for that BMR web site and all the advice. It is interesting to see that it suggests about 400 calories more than what this site does. That is why this is so difficult. Is my lifestyle truly sedintary? I do not believe so, but that is what I put. I do realize that I use all my exercise as a crutch to make sure I can eat a little more, and because I like to do it as well. Maybe I need to cut some out? My diet could use a little work, but I thought the most important thing for losing weight is calories in and calories out, and all my medical numbers are fantastic. So that is why i am at a loss. Which BMR is correct?
    I think you are mixing bmr and tdee/ caloric needs. You increase caloric needs based on exercise and lifestyle. Bmr increases due to lean muscle mass.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    yes, in looking at your diary, it looks like you are eating too much to lose weight. aim for the net goal each and every day. its okay to go over a few calories...or have one feed day...but when you routinely go over, you're not going to lose weight. losing weight is all about calories in, calories out. if you're not running on a caloric deficit (which MFP defines for you), you're not going to lose weight.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    yes, in looking at your diary, it looks like you are eating too much to lose weight. aim for the net goal each and every day. its okay to go over a few calories...or have one feed day...but when you routinely go over, you're not going to lose weight. losing weight is all about calories in, calories out. if you're not running on a caloric deficit (which MFP defines for you), you're not going to lose weight.

    MFP is junk in junk out though. If you dont know how to set it correctly it will say 1200 calories and throw out a bunch of macros that push you in the wrong direction.
    If you Eat above BMR then train for 400 calories lost taking you below...your body will shut down that metabolism!
    If low cal doesnt work then try higher calorie with strict macros!
    High protein and essential fats with moderate carbs will help.
    Oh yea...run your *kitten* off too!

    But eat for gods sake!
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142