After dark snacking

44 is not old, but by no means 20-ish either. Just discoverd I have a birth defect causing my heart to only pump about 30% of the oxygen my body needs to live through my organs -who knew. Since I have not been living healthy and way to heavy, my organs have decided they have had enough. Hence I am having some issues one being diabetes now! Over the last month, I have 1. quit smoking, 2. started to exersize 3. and reinventing my eating habits (not dieting - this is a life long change). Doc said, If I dont ...then its a stint and gastric...I choose the hard way..better diet and exersize...silly me. My doctor gave me a dead line...30 pounds in 90 days. My health has declined that much!! If it was gastric, I would of lost it in about 2 weeks. I am doing pretty good - lost about 11 pounds in about a month, but I am finding it harder and harder to stay on track - especially at night - any good suggestions. :drinker:


  • star7092
    try eating fruit or snack on veggie sticks. Also drink a glass of water before you eat. If your still hungry after drinking that go for the healthier snacks.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If it's a sweet fix you're after, try sugar free lollies. Savoury, a few nuts.

    Save some calories for after dinner if you're a snacker (which I tend to be!) - that way you don't need to deprive yourself of this habit - you just need to choose the right foods to snack on.

    If all else fails brush your teeth - that makes everything taste weird so you won't eat afterwards.
  • romping
    romping Posts: 64 Member
    Go no carb and you will lose the 30 lbs in time
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    You can do this!! When you are just starting out, 30 pounds in three months is very easily done, especially if your body is new to healthy eating and exercising! Just don't get too obsessed with the scale, you will have weeks where nothing drops as your body tries to catch up to your amazing new life style, but then the weight will drop off twice as much the next week.
    Good on you for quitting smoking! That is really hard to do, if you can do that, you can do anything you set your willpower to. Congrats also for setting out to do this without surgery. Both my parents and two aunts have gone the surgery route, and only one person out of the four came out of it with healthy eating habits and a sustainable loss. Not saying that is always the case, but it's always best to set your mind to the healthy eating habits first and turn to surgery as a last resort only. There were a couple of years in my past that I was convinced surgery was the only route for me, so did nothing at all about my weight gain. I can't help but think back now, if I had started these healthy habits earlier I could have saved myself quite a bit of unhappiness.
    We are all here to motivate and support each other! Feel free to friend me :)