hi, am new here. wanna be friends??

im a 27yo culinary arts student (which sucks for dieting) i live in dallas tx and i have a 10yr old boy and 1 small pup named sadie. my weight has always yo-yo'd a bit, im hoping to lose about 40 lbs by new years, i take phentermine which controls the cravings, so i think ill be able to reach my goal. if anyones interested in being friends add me! always nice to connect with others who are dieting.


  • Bruce6619
    Add me Bruce6619
  • jl622
    jl622 Posts: 104 Member
    hi. i'm not a culinary arts student, but around 6 months ago, i realized i LOVE cooking, which caused me to gain a lot of weight. so i feel your pain! lol
    best of luck to you!