Cranky without exercise...

Having gone from being a couch potato to exercising daily I love my new lifestyle, however I have noticed that when I don't exercise I'm extremely cranky!!! Last week I needed to take a break as I had pushed myself to hard in the weeks previous while training for a competition AND I'm currently without a vehicle so have not been able to get to the gym..... I have been like a bear with a sore head, my mood has gone down severely, I'm grumpy, moody, emotional, quick to anger. This week I was able to get a ride to one training class and I did some zumba from a DVD at home last night and instantly my mood is up again.... does anyone else struggle with this???


  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Honestly I think thats a good thing! Of all things in the world to become addicted to, endorphins is my drug of choice!! lol
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I so know what you are going through! Big sympathy cos I am the same!!
  • Galletakek
    O_O i have to agree.... i feel like kaka when i dont go to the gym.. I hate my rest day. I love the gym its my 2nd home :)<3.
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I am like this too! Today I plotted out my evenings out and nights away for the Christmas period and nearly passed out when I saw the classes I will miss and the dinners I am going to be in for! I am going to be taking the dog for lots of walks in the dark I think!!!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Haha! don't be worried at all.
    When you workout not only is it a mental 'hurrah' its releasing all those 'feel good' hormones. (endorphins) Usually I try and go for a good hours speed walk in the morning to try and replace my missed workout....It'll tide you over.
    Give yourself an end destination and a time frame.

    Good luck!
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I definitely do - and so does my boyfriend - he's been training for longer than me. He gets so grumpy on holiday that I have to tell him to go and train! It can only be a good thing I'm sure!
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    Definitely! I'm a much happier and more relaxed person when I'm able to exercise (cardio). Any time that I've had to stop for more than a week due to illness, asthma or other circumstances I start feeling my stress level increase incrementally. My husband has commented that I'm much less irritable too when I'm exercising and we don't argue as much when I've been getting my regular cardio.