success rate

I've noticed in my short time here a huge amount of success stories which are all very encouraging. I have learnt so much so far from everyone. This is a fantastic site .
I wondered if the success rate is higher on here than conventional diets. From what I can see it certainly is but maybe I'm just looking at positive profiles.
Has anyone ever looked in to it.
I've done many diets and been to many groups but the success rate is always quite low.
Most ppl are gone by the second month or so.
Not here, they're here for the long haul. It's fantastic.
What an advertisement for the site if the success rate was higher than average.
I'm so surprised by the amount of ppl that get to maintenance and are still here.
It's wonderful to think so many lives have changed so much for the better.


  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    First off - welcome to MFP!!! The great thing about this site is you don't follow a certain type of "diet". There's no fad dieting here.
    MFP can teach you about balance. We learn through logging our food how things measure up health wise. We also learn to workout and it at least shows me that you need more fuel for your body. This site is amazing. The support from others going through similar journeys is key. Welcome again to MFP!!! Feel free to friend me =):flowerforyou:
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Just MHO~~ I think the reason lots of folks lose so much weight and stay around so long for support is that we don't think of this as a quick fix diet. Its a lifestyle change that is pretty much for the rest of our lives. Losing the weight might take a little longer than some of the more quick diets, but this is teaching me how to eat well and within my calorie goals and not be hungry. It has also taught me how to make this last forever. Its about getting healthy too, at least for me. These are all things that other diets really don't stress. This is what is unique about MFP. You can approach this site from whatever angle you like.

    You could lose the weight quick with any number of so-called diets, you could make slow changes, one at a time, or you can follow what the program recommends. Its a very versatile site. Each of us are able to use it however we choose. I think its great. I don't know what the success rate is but from what I'm seeing since I joined, I think its about average. Lots of folks come and go and come back. The ones that are around a while are pretty committed or, like me, have lots to lose and are taking our time. Some, who don't have lots to lose, come along, stay and lose for a few months and they are done and gone. We can't know if they've kept it off unless they come back and say so.
    Anyway, now that I've made an easy question into a book of an answer, I'm done. 8)
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I agree with Katbaran, diet is a naughty word (for me it implies short term), this is all about a lifestyle change. I am nearly there now (lost circa 32pounds) and I will continue to log when I reach my goal to maintain my healthy weight.

    Good luck,
