please advise/ criticize

I have been posting all I eat , etc a few ways here so far. Started out doing as the reg plan prograem set up goals etc,.
Now for the past few weeks have been doing a flat calorie rate of 2200 with a 40/40/20 ratio.
I quit putting in the exercise in the exercise part and manually input it in the notes under food.
I have lost a few pounds.. and have noticed a size/shape change.

Some days I went by without logging in the food note area as it was an afterthought... 6 days a week I burn between 775 -1350 in cardio. I do sets of pushups, dips etc throughout the day. Been mentioned I may be over training.. still keeping myself at too much of a deficit.

I upped my goal to 2250 recently( 3 days ago)
My bmr is to be 1770... mfp maintain is 2470ish.

Please look at my foods ( limited as deployed and trying my best to eat well on foods available to me)
I welcome comments Thanks

advice is welcomed want to drop about 20-25 more..


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    First of all I want to say thank you so much for your service.
    Second of all congratulations for the weight you have already lost!

    It sounds like you aren't eating enough calories. I am no expert but it looks like you may be hitting the nail on the head by saying you have too much a deficit - if you are only eating 2250 calories and you burn all these calories with cardio and other exercise. I would play it by ear and do your best to listen to your body - moniter how you feel, how hungry you are, how your weight is, etc during this time to decide.

    I hope that helped!
  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    current 188-191 depends on water intake/ time of day.. 68 inches 32 yrs old
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    So what is actually the question? I will say, based on how much you burn 2500-2700 calories is about right for you to lose .5 lbs per week. Are you looking to build muscle, get cut, lose weight.....?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    double post
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    current 188-191 depends on water intake/ time of day.. 68 inches 32 yrs old

    Thanks, one moment.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have been posting all I eat , etc a few ways here so far. Started out doing as the reg plan prograem set up goals etc,.
    Now for the past few weeks have been doing a flat calorie rate of 2200 with a 40/40/20 ratio.
    I quit putting in the exercise in the exercise part and manually input it in the notes under food.
    I have lost a few pounds.. and have noticed a size/shape change.

    Some days I went by without logging in the food note area as it was an afterthought... 6 days a week I burn between 775 -1350 in cardio. I do sets of pushups, dips etc throughout the day. Been mentioned I may be over training.. still keeping myself at too much of a deficit.

    I upped my goal to 2250 recently( 3 days ago)
    My bmr is to be 1770... mfp maintain is 2470ish.

    Please look at my foods ( limited as deployed and trying my best to eat well on foods available to me)
    I welcome comments Thanks

    advice is welcomed want to drop about 20-25 more..

    I would keep your calories in a range between 2250 and 2450. Your macronutrient split looks reasonable but your fat intake is on the low end. I would try and hit 65g fat as a minimum or as an average at the end of the week (on a deficit you may find some days you're really low on fat, if this happens then make up for it with a higher fat day to try and average at least 65g).

    If you have energy issues you have room to shift from protein to carbs as you are getting plenty of protein, but it's not necessary, you can keep doing this if you like. 170g should be sufficient for protein based on your stats.

    Adjust as needed, if you're losing more than 1lb/week at this intake, bump 200 cals up.
  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    overall. I started out in sept at 212 , the heaviest of my life ever, this was after basically starving myself for 6 months, cardio everyday. weight just kept increasing..

    goal lose weight to a goal of 165-172 overall just better health. Not looking for a 6 pack, or huge muscle mass... had it yrs ago and it just isnt me want to be leaner and healthier thats all
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Not looking for a 6 pack, or huge muscle mass... had it yrs ago and it just isnt me want to be leaner and healthier thats all

    You should still do whatever you can for resistance work/weight training even considering the above. Losing weight w/o sufficient resistance training will result in losing more muscle mass than you ideally would want. Just throwing that out there.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Thank you for your service, I can't imagine the amount of stress your under! Stress alone will keep some weight on your body, add the pstd and depression and you are definitely fighting an internal battle! You are amazing to keep doing what you are doing, so don't stop working at it. I would take a look at your sugar and sodium intake! You might need to tweak what you eat a little (as best you can, where your at) The best thing to put in your body is fresh whole foods, so anytime, If any, you have it available eat it! My initial reaction when I saw your food diary was the protein shakes, eek seems like a lot! I know they are good for helping your muscles recover from intense workout but drinking so many of them could be sabotaging your efforts? I hope this at least gives you some ideas to work with. Take some deep breaths, keep working out because no doubt that helps reduce your stress and don't forget to take a day off every now and then to let your muscle recover!

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    And additionally, thanks for your service-- I should have said that first :)
  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    thanks for the replies.
    A few things, I am trying to lose weight.. biggest issue is it is not coming off. I may have been over training/ under eating. Been on the higher calorie intake for a few weeks.. was under 1500 cal for a long time. I realize I am getting a ton of protein, most in a shake.. most foods here are not healthy.. I am working on getting more fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish,eggs etc and phasing out so many shakes.
    I tried the 40/40/20 for a few weeks, combined with setting a flat number of intake calories, to allow me to work out and pre plan my food s for the day ... It has simplified my eating and generally makes it easier.

    I am finding myself always either way under calorie goal, or feeling like I am forcing myself to eat, so I switched to hiher calorie foods, for example natural honey, and naturally more peanut butter.

    I may change my split to 40 carb,35 protein and 25 fats to see if things change..

    I do do multiple push ups, dips and lighter weights throughout the day for strength.. Should I go back to a striaight heavy lifting routine? Keep in mind my overall goal is to keep body fat low and improve overall health, at the same time trying to get to a weight of 165-175 as rapidly as is safe and possible..
    Thanks again
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I do do multiple push ups, dips and lighter weights throughout the day for strength.. Should I go back to a striaight heavy lifting routine? Keep in mind my overall goal is to keep body fat low and improve overall health, at the same time trying to get to a weight of 165-175 as rapidly as is safe and possible..
    Thanks again

    I think you'll have better results with heavy lifting. Doing bodyweight work will be better than nothing but I would speculate that a heavy lifting routine will help you retain more lean mass.