Re-committed and ready to see some results.

So, I am writing this just so that I can get my intentions out there...I am officially commited to weight loss. My problem is that I have no will power. I have no reservations about having a having another glass of wine or a little bit more of that appetizer, dinner, or chocolate cake I am splitting with my skinny friends. They stop but I don't.

My boyfriend who is considering joining the Navy ( we are both in our early thirties) needs to lose forty pounds. I am taking this as a challenge for me to finally change these habits that have boggled me down for years. I have done it before and, in fact, was a athlete in high school and college. So I have set up a few challenges/promises to myself.

1) No alchohol for 18 days. and after that, I can only drink 2 drinks, 2 nights a week. I know this may seem silly to some people but I am a very social person so this is a big challenge for me. I think by limiting the drinking, I limit the times my inhibitions are down and the calories from the drinks.

2) EXERCISE: 5-6 days a week. 3-4 cardio days and 2 weight training days.

3) No Bread, potatoes, rice, or any chip of any kind. I am not doing atkins but my boyfriend is. I am just eliminating the foods that I find myself over indulging in.


  • soymilkcoffee
    Good for you! :smile: Best of luck!!
  • IamBrande
    Sounds like a great plan!! Stick with it, and you will see results!!!

    My issue is not food, so much as it is getting in ALL my exercise!!!!!
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I am right there with you. My intentions are good however I have NO will power at all. Everyone around me counts their calories, never cheats, works out faithfully... and I mean to... I want to... but I don't.
    I think you are on the right track by acknowledging it... and 2 drinks minimum is hard to do when you are out for an evening.... so I am right there with ya on that one!
    Be careful with denying yourself too much though or you might cave one day and pig out on all the carbs you have been denying yourself. I say "Everything in moderation". Have some rice... but make it brown and have a small portion of it. This will take away your craving and you wont feel like you are denying yourself from all the things you love. I cant live without pasta... but I just watch my portion size and have switched to whole wheat pasta instead.

    Good luck! I know you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck to you! I have a hard time with the wine, too. I started mfp about a year ago and luckily it was a quiet time of year and I could really keep the going out to a minimum. Summer came and having a glass of wine or two when we were out became too easy and I gained back some of the weight I had lost. Right now I'm recommitting to exercise and cutting back on thealcohol.
  • mbkat24
    Thanks! I agree,. I don't plan to deprive myself of those things forever. Just try and limit them.. I guess what I will have to do with the drinking is just really keep track of it and then work it of with exercise.

    Hopefully we can all be successful and still enjoy the things we like!!!