Can't find time to exercise. Help!



  • emily2tx
    What are you doing on your lunch break? For a long time, on my lunch break I would walk every day. Then I started lifting weights in my office every other day and walk or run the other days. Now, I go to the gym on my lunch breaks. Sometimes I have to work early or late or take a vacation hour, but it is well worth the effort. I also am able to go to the gym before my 3 children get up in the mornings, but I don't get up until 5am. I never thought that I would be a person that could get up and do it, but now, if I miss a day, it isn't because I was too tired to go!!!!! I love it! When I was a single parent I joined a gym that had free childcare, so I could pop in right after work and get a good hour in about 4 days a week(I can't do this now, the kids are older and they have practice and other activities that don't mesh with gym class times). Bring snacks for your kiddo ahead of time. I always have more energy for housework after I have been to the gym! Hope this helps!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Just came in to say y'all are some superwomen in here. :flowerforyou:
  • sambo155
    I'm impressed with how early some of you get up in the morning! What time do you go to bed??? I try to crash around 10:00 and asleep by around 10:45. My alarm goes off at 6:30 and it's a struggle to crack open my eyeballs. I like to lay there for about 15 min, watch the news and think about what I have to do for the day. Then it's off to the races! Time to eat bfast, get in the shower, wake up my girl, feed her bfast, get me and her both ready and out the door, take her to daycare and get to work by 8:10 or so. Sorry, I like my sleep tooo much to be gettin' up at 4:30! I won't say I can't - I just don't want to badly enough.

    I like the idea of thinking of it as fun time for me & her. I'll have to move some furntiture but it can be done!

    How often should a person exercise a week for it to be effective? I heard once that 20 mins is the magic amount of time; that if you don't keep your heart rate up that long then it's doesn't really do much good. Is that a myth?
  • sambo155
    What are you doing on your lunch break?

    I don't get a lunch break. It's a small biz. :(
  • gumigal82
    I envy you folks that have the time - or rather *make* the time - to exercise. I feel like I just can't fit it in to my day. I work full time, single mom of a 4yr old, taking 2 classes (only on Tuesdays but I have homework to do most nights), and I have normal household chores to keep up with (dinner, laundry, etc.). It seems like I never stop until I go to bed. How do you guys do it?

    I have a Wii (that has never been played so I know nothing about it) and a friend has a Wii fit she'll probably let me borrow. I think that might be fun. But again, when the heck am I going to do it???

    I certainly can't say that may schedule is as busy as yours (you are a super woman/ mom!) However, I would find a very short workout routine and do it before your daughter is up, or later at night. Some workouts are only 15-45mins long. Other days that are nice out, go for a face paced walk or jog. (I love Turbo Fire, as there are shorter high intensity workouts. Others like JMs 30min Shred, etc...also I think there is a workout plan that involves10min workouts with Tony Horton?)
  • fasttrack27
    I'm impressed with how early some of you get up in the morning! What time do you go to bed??? I try to crash around 10:00 and asleep by around 10:45. My alarm goes off at 6:30 and it's a struggle to crack open my eyeballs. I like to lay there for about 15 min, watch the news and think about what I have to do for the day. Then it's off to the races! Time to eat bfast, get in the shower, wake up my girl, feed her bfast, get me and her both ready and out the door, take her to daycare and get to work by 8:10 or so. Sorry, I like my sleep tooo much to be gettin' up at 4:30! I won't say I can't - I just don't want to badly enough.

    I like the idea of thinking of it as fun time for me & her. I'll have to move some furntiture but it can be done!

    How often should a person exercise a week for it to be effective? I heard once that 20 mins is the magic amount of time; that if you don't keep your heart rate up that long then it's doesn't really do much good. Is that a myth?
    I certainly dont mean to downplay your hectic schedule - I applaud you for all you do. I see a lot of very good replies and am sure you can make some of them work if you want to bad enough. Regarding your comment above, we'd all LIKE more sleep. I seldom go to sleep before 10pm either but have simply MADE myself start the day at 4:30am. Your whole day is better after a good workout - kicks the metabolism in gear. Also, hasnt been much mentioned here about the weekends but unless you also work Sat/Sun there's no reason you cant make an hour to excercise. We all have 24 hrs in a day. You CAN do this!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm always somewhat entertained by the excuses people come up with to NOT work out. Start with some of the 10 minute solutions videos - do 10 minutes at a time, you CAN get up 10 minutes early right? Then you will find you really want to do 20 minutes - etc etc.

    We are ALL busy. We all have lives that our work schedules are hectic, we have other commitments, I could go on and on, but will spare you. The point is - only YOU can commit to YOU.

    Here is what I find - the more you find time to exercise, the better you will feel and the more time you will have to do it. You will have better quality time with your child, you will want to eat healthier, and you will overall feel better, which will lead to you sleeping better, getting up earlier and making more time. I cook on weekends and meal plan for the week, to avoid any last minute meals, and more time to get my workouts in.

    One of my favorite motto's - Find the busiest person to get the job done! The busy people will make the time for the things to commit to.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Try workout dvd's. They come in all kinds of different lenghts. Also, maybe if you cook dinner using the crockpot it would allow time for at least a 30 minute workout. Or if you made extra dinners and freeze them for quick reheats it would save time also. Good Luck!