Anyone tried Bikram?

Tried this yoga last week and my my my was it challenging. I want to like it, I want to go back, but it really took a lot of mental energy to stick it out for the 90 mins. And it lasted for 90 mins, the relaxation part at the end was only 2 mins because you could leave when you wanted to. I was blacking out :noway: and getting dizzy, especially in the beginning which the instructor told me would be normal. Does anyone do this regularly? HOW?? It's a great calorie burner, for my weight, a calorie counting site said I would burn about 700 during the 90 mins....AWESOME! That's the main reason why I want to go back, plus yoga is a great stretch for me as I mostly run on a daily basis (training for a half) and this yoga is combined with the massive sweating...Maybe I'm convincing myself here in the process of typing this! Share your bikram yoga story :)


  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Tried this yoga last week and my my my was it challenging. I want to like it, I want to go back, but it really took a lot of mental energy to stick it out for the 90 mins. And it lasted for 90 mins, the relaxation part at the end was only 2 mins because you could leave when you wanted to. I was blacking out :noway: and getting dizzy, especially in the beginning which the instructor told me would be normal. Does anyone do this regularly? HOW?? It's a great calorie burner, for my weight, a calorie counting site said I would burn about 700 during the 90 mins....AWESOME! That's the main reason why I want to go back, plus yoga is a great stretch for me as I mostly run on a daily basis (training for a half) and this yoga is combined with the massive sweating...Maybe I'm convincing myself here in the process of typing this! Share your bikram yoga story :)
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I've only tried it once and I loved it.
    I also burnt major calories and I had no idea what I was doing (first time ever doing yoga).
    I also felt dizzy but was told to drink water when that happened. I had to lay down a few times on my back cuz I was so faint.
    It's one of those crazy things where you think you aren't going to make while in the class but are totally siked when finished (I was really dizzy when done and took about 15 minutes to get my barrings back, lol).

    Unfortunately, I don't have the funds to afford $20 a class so I stick to my gym membership.

    All the best! :flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I've never done it but I wish I could! Theres none in my area. My friend does it everyday and she loves it, you have to make sure that you keep yourself very hydrated, hydrate A LOT before and after, that might be why you were dizzy and you weren't used to it, I'd say go back! Good luck.

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    They are having a free yoga class, for beginners the beginning of March in my area. I am going to go to see what the fuss is all about. I didn't realize you burnt that many calories.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    They are having a free yoga class, for beginners the beginning of March in my area. I am going to go to see what the fuss is all about. I didn't realize you burnt that many calories.

    If it's the bikram kind, you burn that much because it's 106 degrees in the room with added humidity. The usual yoga classes are a lot less, but still are worth it if you have stiff muscles or if you want to become long and lean!
  • Yogagal
    Bikram is really an intense yoga practice. One does 26 asanas twice in a 105 degree room. If you're main goal is to burn as many calories and go as deep into a pose as possible, then Bikram would be one way. Just be sure to stay hydrated and rest when you need to, rest on your back with your feet away from the instructor. (It's just etiquette.) I have a love-hate relationship with it because I'm a yoga instructor myself. It's kind of wierd to be doing yoga in front of a wall of mirrors and hear the same dialogue each time I go. Also, they advocate going as deep into poses as possible, so be careful if you're new. You should be familiar with how far you can take certain poses. Some instructors are really militant about the practice too. I went to one class where a student deviated from the dancer pose they do, and the instructor called her out in front of everybody! It was really awkward and in mho, mean! Anyways, I'm always proud to have made it through class b/c it's like running a marathon - it's the hardest thing I've ever done - that's for certain. Also, you'll skin will be glowing, soft and beautiful after a few classes! If you want variety and less tropical conditions try a yoga studio. As with all yoga, you will detox and tone - you'll feel energized and sleep soundly that evening! I may go back one day, but for now I'm enjoying vinyasa and Anusara!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Well that does sound interesting but as you can see I have no idea what I am talking about! :laugh:

    This is for regular yoga, sorry my comment was completely off base!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well that does sound interesting but as you can see I have no idea what I am talking about! :laugh:

    This is for regular yoga, sorry my comment was completely off base!

    Don't apologise. . .I didn't know what bikram was for a long time. And, if you can have a free class of ANY style of yoga, I say you should try it.

    During my very first bikram class, I had anxiety so bad that I literally thought I would die. (I am claustrophobic. . .and the whole "trapped in the room" idea got to me.) That sounds like part of what you're describing. The heat is intense, but I only have dizziness nowadays if I'm not fully hydrated before I go or I forget to breathe (that sounds stupid, but it's totally possible when you're aiming for "stillness" in a posture).

    I also had the thought "who does this? crazy people? I will never go do this again." But, my second class was free, so I went back. I love it now. . .I go at least twice a week. . .and honestly, I have classes where I don't even notice the heat.

    I am more flexible (any yoga would accomplish this goal) and for me the heat is very therapeutic. It's not for everyone. . .but I think you don't know for sure until you try a second class. . .(IMHO):flowerforyou: