cant seem to lose weight

ok so my issue is I haven't been able to lose any weight for about a year now. 2 1/2 years ago I had the gastricbypass at that time of surgery I weighed 315lbs. Today I weigh 193. I've been exercising 4-5 times a week, I lift weights just tone up not to be a body builder. I will either walk on the treadmill, Stairmaster, whatever for 20-30 mins before work at 5am. I've tried everything from super low carb, to nothing but liquids. I'm at a stump. I've been bouncing back and forth from 193-198. my body will not let go of my weight. I'm 5-6. now I have toned up people say it looks like I've lost weight but I haven't.
I don’t know what to do.
Right now I usually eat a myoplex lite protein shake for breakfast and lunch with an Atkins bar for a snack. I do drink coffee but of course it's all sugar free, I sweeten it with steva.
I need help the doctors say my body is done losing weight but I'm not lol


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Try counting calories along with your exercise. Stop with the fad diets and trying to find the easy way out. Your body lost a lot of weight very quickly and it's still recovering. Make sure you're getting the nutrition you need on a 1200 calorie diet, track your macro nutrients using MFP and eventually you will start losing weight again.
  • kappy_hollowell
    How much of a caloric deficit are you doing everyday? Maybe you need to increase your cardio some and start lifting heavier weights. You won't bulk up, I promise. You need some more intensity too, and maybe a longer cardio session or 2-3 sessions over the course of a day.

    Hope this helps. Add me as a friend if you would like1
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    If you're toning, are you keeping track of inches in addition to the number on the scale?

    If you haven't changed anything with your workouts, your body might just be used to it, and they're becoming less effective. Maybe try mixing it up with different (or longer) workout routines, or eating more calories for a few days to 'spike' your system?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Oh, also step up the exercise. Walking is a good starting exercise but you're at a place where you aren't burning as many calories and that could be setting you back. Trying doing something more intensive. Meet with a personal trainer at your gym to get you set on a real exercise program :)
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Opening your diary for friends advice will help too... Sometimes it is all in what your diet consumes of! Wishing you lots of luck on your journey!!
  • Themaryum
    Themaryum Posts: 5 Member
    Switch up your workout & eating routines. If you are doing the same workout & eating the same things at the same times your body will start to get used to it and adjust, making it harder to drop the pounds. Try switching things up a couple times a week & see if that makes a difference
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Yeah, this is a life change and not a race. Just take your time, change how you eat and are going to eat forever. I like the tips about not paying attention to the scale. Remember that muscle is more dense than fat so it's easier to measure that by inches. This whole game is played by caloric deficit, so you need to be eating in a deficit, however, you should be eating enough to maintain proper/healthy function of your vital organs. Your doctors or nutritionist should be able to help with this. OR you can use MFP, but be sure that you are eating back all of your exercise calories. You should never be below 1200.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that you just lost a bunch of wieght. From what I understand you body is trying to get rid of fat in the beginning because you have excess amounts. But towards the end, your body will start to want to hold on to fat or add fat more. It becomes tricky and harder to maintain/loose weight. I think this last until your hormones regulate which can take a year or more.

    It's difiicult to understand and explain, so the best way to look at is BE PATIENT, CALORIC DEFICIT, EAT ALL CALORIES NEEDED TO MAINTAIN HEALTH, and EXERCISE.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
  • LayinHandz
    I am no doctor, only a student in a food and nutrition class. We learned that when people have gastric bypass surgery it affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals tremendously!! Alot of times people have to have them injected in order to obtain the benefit. When you have gastric bypass surgery your "cutting out" some of the "transportation" and the time that your body needs to absorb important vitamins. Vitamin deficiency can prevent weight loss. Maybe this helps. Good luck!
  • thumper925
    I think your doctors are wrong. Keep up the good work, You can loose inches and stay the same weight. My doctor told me muscle ways more than fat, but when you are toned enough the additional will come off. I did not have a gastric bypass but was where you are at. I am now 160 at 5 foot 3 inches, i want to way 130 and no matter how long it takes i will do it. don't give up.
  • thumper925
    Good idea
  • Jadesfattorment
    You need a healthy diet, not a fad diet. Cutting certain foods out of your diet makes you crave them more.
    -Everything in moderation is always key.
    Our bodys can adjust to the amount of exercise we're getting and use less engery to do them (burn less calories.) so try shaking it up from time to time or adding more excercise to your schedule.
    Try shocking your metabolism by switching your calorie intake, it kind of stop the weight plateau thing, Don't drop super low though and keep eating healthy.
    Avoid added sugar, and white breads,pastas,ect. because they tend to not be great for you.
    Eat more fiber. :)

    ~Looking for more MFP friends, feel free to add or mesage with anything~ :D