EMBARRASING ways you tried to win the affection



  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I was always too shy to try to win the affection of my crushes, but I did embarrass myself horribly by writing a poem for my highschool boyfriend one year for Christmas. He opened it in front of his family and they made him read it aloud (AUGHHHH), and of course I had framed it so the poor guy had to keep it on dresser in case I saw it and be reminded every day that his girlfriend was a melodramatic dork. I still have a copy of that poem somewhere, and it is GODAWFUL. It was basically describing how much I loved him and talking about his smile and eyes and stuff, and I still remember the line about his hands: "smoothly spun of softest silk / pain flees their healing touch..." Really? REALLY? Gahhhhhhhhhhh!

    BEST thing I ever did, hands down, was watch The Holy Grail so that I could quote it with a guy I liked who was a huge fan. Didn't end up winning the guy's heart, but becoming obsessed with Monty Python won me a lot of cred with future suitors. :smile:
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I dated a guy to try and make him jealous. I liked him, but didn't know how he felt. Turns out I spent more time with the guy I liked more than my "boyfriend". So it worked! No we're married! The embarassing part you ask? They guy I was "dating" only said yes because he was trying to decide if he was gay or not. He then proceeded to go and bump uglies with another man. So dating me made him decide that he likes dudes..... ouch.....
    BMARYLYNN Posts: 46 Member
    I guess I was pretty brave...Poison concert ran up to a guy I liked and just laid a kiss on him...but we just remained friends.
    and then there was another one...gave him a card and confessed my feelings...well we are still friends. we just flirt
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Oh my, I could have so many stories here....I was such an embarrassing kid! Lol.

    I think perhaps one of the worst was going through my 'older man' stage as a 12 year old, when I suddenly thought my middle-aged, married music teacher was hot and thought it would be cute to give him a handmade card I'd made with musical instruments all over it......oh, and not only that, but a present as well....oh my word....kill me now! lol.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Uuuh, I would stand outside of my HS "messing with my CD player to find the right song" and just so happened to always find the song I wanted when my crush walked out the door. He and his friends would go to the store and then cut through the little patch of woods behind it to get back on the road and I would always just so happen to be right there when they came out... when he would ask why, since I was right behind them when they went to the store, I would say, "I'm fat, you think I move fast??" Jokingly called me his stalker, still does. I was not a stalker, I just liked looking at him and it was the only way to get his attention, haha.
    We became friends for the next 6 or 7 years but never dated :) Still talk occasionally.

    Oh, and before becoming friends I would call him and hang up just so he would call me back and be like "did you just call?"
    me:"No... you called me."
    Him: "No i didn't."
    me:" maybe I butt dialed."
    him:" maybe" and then we'd talk. Worked every time.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I just told him. It wasn't as mortifying as you'd think. After three days of everyone repeatedly asking, "OOOOoooh, do you like Nathan?!", they quickly got bored. I think it's because I wasn't embarrassed that they lost interest.

    If done for love, the ridiculous becomes noble.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    write a mushy love song just to find out she has no interest in me. suck i know
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    too embarrassing to even mention online anonymously. :blushing:
  • Wishtobethinagain
    In middle school I was trying to do a sexy walk as I was approaching my huge crush, my friends watching. I was so occupied that I did not notice the bag in the floor and tripped in front of him :embarassed:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    at least you guys tried! :) i was trying to think of something to write, but i realized i've never actually put myself out there enough to try and win someone's affection. these were super funny to read though!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    My step brother and I were in the same grade. So one time I told him I would do his math homework for a month if he invited the boy I liked to our house. He agreed to do this, so Friday night came along...I had it all planed out I was gonna be smooth. I did nothing I sat and was so shy the entire time I didn't say a word to the boy. My brother asked me to grab some faygo for us and I got up started for the kitchen...the boy looked at my brother and said wow I didn't know you had a sister...

    Talk about wanting to sink into the floor... I spent the rest of the night in my room. And I still did the math homework cus let's face it I'm a dork (and he was in easy math:laugh: )
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I love these, and i'm embarrassed to say that my worst (best?) story is how i won the affection of the hubs. We'd been out a few times a week for about 3 weeks, and he's yet to kiss me. I was out with some girlfriends, but was meeting up with him later in the night. Us girls concocted a plan to get him to kiss me. My friend took my phone and called him, claiming i'd left it at the table while i was in the bathroom. She told him we had a bet about when he'd kiss me. She told him i bet on tonight, but she was betting it wouldn't be. So, to "help her out" he should DEFINITELY not kiss me tonight. He's a guy, so you know he kissed me that night!

    I went to hang with him a little later, and he mentioned it. I had to pretend to be all embarrassed about it, when i really knew the whole time. That night, when we got back to my place, he made some comment about wanting me to win that bet, and kissed me! For something like 7 hours... but that's a whole different story!

    For the record, i did tell him we made it all up just to get him to kiss me!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    In second grade, I drew a pickup truck and labeled it: To: (object of my affection) From: Ali. I was so proud of myself because it was an awesome picture. He threw it in the trash. I thought, What a jerk! ...and I picked it out of the trash and took it home. It was too good of a picture to let go to waste. ;)

    In 7th or 8th grade, my friends insisted that I tell them who I thought was cute. So I said that I liked the looks of this one boy but didn't really know him at all. So they decided to help me out by TELLING this young man that I liked him. To which he replied: Who? I was motified.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Bump for later!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    at least you guys tried! :) i was trying to think of something to write, but i realized i've never actually put myself out there enough to try and win someone's affection. these were super funny to read though!
    What she said! These are AWESOME! I wish I didn't still feel just as awkward or shy as an 8th grader!
    It doesn't pay, though. I remember trying to get up the nerve to ask this one girl out in high school for a few weeks. Then, she showed up to an event with one of my friends! I was so bummed. But they've been married for about 24 years now. :drinker:
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    in 8th grade i got this guy Chad's # (this was before the days of *69 or caller ID)

    every day after school id call him multiple times and hang up after he said hello... about 2 weeks later we were in scienece class and it was really quiet..he stands up turns around and says really loud "Quit callin my house and hanging up!!!!!!!"

    Ive never been more embarrassed in my whole life :grumble:
  • elfie9863
    In 9th grade we lived out in the country and had a party line with 3 or 4 neighbors on it. (I know..stone age)

    So I would get home and call this guy - his name was Herschel of all gawdaful names- and then hang up... Unfortunately, my rattabang-skankhoe neighbor just happened to pick up the phone at the same time as I hung up and started talking to him.

    Guess who started going out together??? AND RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO ME...

    <--total dork a saurus
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Asked her to pull my finger :)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I once farted on his "member"

    *sigh* SSR likes it.

    That's all I've got...