Eating when I'm tired...



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Don't keep candy bars around? Do you eat breakfast? Maybe change what you are eating earlier in the day, keep nuts on hand. I eat oatmeal and PB2 or Justin's Nut Butter ( when I'm starting to drag.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning and that gives me a ton of energy.....
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I like diet pop. Dr. Pepper with cherry is sweat and has a lot of caffine.

    Yum! Me too!
    Ew...cherry flavored sweat with caffeine?


    I prefer to keep nuts around for just such an emergency...a variety of nuts
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    keep nuts on hand.
    But people start looking at me weird...
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I am just like you, when I am tired I make poor choices. What works for me is finding something I wanted more. I set a goal for myself every week. I will loose 2 pounds this week and if I do I get..... (in my case it is a trip to a French bistro that I adore) because I really really want my Saturday treat I am able to fight the urge to give in to quick fix calories that I will regret later. I am able to switch to the healthier choices that you already know about. It's all about motivation. Find SOMETHING that will motivate you to make the right choice. (do you want to buy a new dress, are you going to a high school reunion, do you want to fit into a bathing suit for a trip to the beach? ) I recommend a weekly reward, because it works for me, but ramping up your motivation to combat those tired impulses is a good idea.
  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    Grab an apple. They are healthier than anything listed so far and studies have shown they are better for waking you up in the morning than coffee.

  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Coffee and a banana.
    Coffee has caffeine. The banana has natural sugar.
    That'll get you perky in no time!

    If coffee makes you tired, you're dehydrated. Get a couple glasses of water in you and you're good to go.

    Candy bars are crap and they make you feel that way. Let them goooooo.
  • sally125
    sally125 Posts: 40 Member
    How about trying to address the sleep quality issues? I realize that this is easier said than done, but is there a reason you aren't getting enough sleep? Are you nursing an infant, working shift work, or something?

    If you are that tired I would suggest with an extra half an hour of sleep or address whatever is causing you to be so tired instead of reaching for a temporary pick me up.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Grab an apple. They are healthier than anything listed so far and studies have shown they are better for waking you up in the morning than coffee.


    an apple is healthier than suggestions of "a healthy breakfast" or "porridge" ?

  • lord_lethris
    lord_lethris Posts: 40 Member
    Had to reply to this one quickly. So I'm sorry if someone has already mentioned/suggested it.

    Feeling tired in the mornings after a nights sleep is usually a sign of a sleeping disorder, or sleep apnea. And Reaching for the sugar bars or even Coffee (as some people have mentioned) IS BAD! All it does is fuel the problem. You may have nodules that affects your breathing at night. caffeine is a huge contribution to swollen nodules.

    Basically in most cases, and its perfectly normal because it happens to everyone, during your sleep sometimes your airway gets blocked and you struggle to breath, can last from a few seconds to minutes, SO your body naturally wakes up in a half dozy state to deal with it then fall back asleep again. Your body's defense could be as simple as rolling over or letting in a huge gulp of air (Basically, A loud Snort). Again I would highlight - >EVERYONE<- does it at least once or twice a night. You don't notice because your in a semiconscious state... you partner might if they are fully awake, but you wont.

    HOWEVER. There are some cases that you will wake up in this state more than 5 to 30 times... this leads to feeling tired in the mornings, and it IS an issue. (For the record, im not trying to scare you, im just trying to help)

    Do you snore? or at least know if you snore?
    There is no shame in snoring, we all do it at some point, so don't worry about feeling embarrassed to answer :)

    Do you know if you fidget in your sleep?

    Do feel fatigue during the day, not just the mornings, say mid morning or 12-1pm?

    -> SEE A DOCTOR <-. Book a double appointment and talk to them about sleep apnea. There is no harm in checking.

    Without sounding like a *kitten*, being a "little" over weight will also causes this type of apnea, especially if you sleep on your back. But a simple diet can resolve that, and STAY AWAY FROM CAFFEINE!


    Sorry if i've offended/scared anyone. I only mention this because I myself suffered mild sleep apnea, and diet and change to my bed time routine really helped - At the request of my doctor.!!
  • sarahwebb81
    Thanks for all the helpful tips, everyone. Given me lots of good ideas :)