your weigh in day!!!



  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I weight in on Mondays for official weight. But I weigh nearly everyday. It encourages me either way.
  • crosstitcher0563
    My weigh in day is Saturday for MFP because that is the day I started. I work out at the YMCA and my weigh in day there is Tuesday. On Saturday, I weigh in the morning, and on Tuesday it's in the evening. I dislike weighing in the evening :grumble:
  • anabellebf
    I try not to weigh myself every week... your weight can change by 3 to 5 pounds every week... so I do it once a month, at the end of my workout rotation or phase. It would be on Thursday mornings, since it's my day off.

    Good luck with attaining your goals everyone! :)
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    I officially weigh in on Tuesday or Wednesday. I record the lowest weight of those 2 days. I generally weigh in on the other days, if the weight is going the wrong way I review what I have ate & adjust accordingly. I also make sure I am getting my water. If I have been missing my water which I seem to do on the weekends I find the weight jumps up quite quickly.
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Whenever I go back to my mother's- about once, maybe twice a week. If I kept scales in my own house, I'd never get off them. Not to mention that our floorboards are so poor you can lose a stone just by moving the scales across the room :P I weigh myself in the morning, before I've eaten anything, so I have no excuses (oh, but I've drunk so much, must be water-weight. I had X, so that must have bloated me. Etc).
  • pamb44
    pamb44 Posts: 23 Member
    Im like Stef_e_b, weigh myself every morning. This week is my pms so im really trying hard to keep eating clean. Its treacherously tough because of the SWEETS :noway: Ive finished up (thank goodness) the skippy pb extra chunk so no more tbsp's of that!

    My weigh in day is for the 'biggest looser' at my local gym and its Wednesday evenings - This is the 6th (and final) week of this competition and Ive only lost 7lbs :cry: and its a bummer - Im also on a MOAWC 'Mother of All Weight Loss Competition' contest at my work and weigh in on Thursdays mornings, that seems to work because at the gym we work with a personal trainer 2x a week Wed & Fri (part of the biggest looser program) and that Wed work out really kicks butt! (so does Fridays).

    So I weigh in every day - and in the evenings on Wednesdays and early morning Thursdays. That darn scale has only budged UP in the past week :sad:

    Good job to all you folks that have lost and continue to loose :smile: